Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cycling :D

Yes, Im back from East Coast Park ! Damn tiring day for me man ~ Dont know why, laughs*
Anyway, these few days quite moody ? Yes, Im so stupid like an idoit man . Seriously, retarded me !
From 3pm plus, waited for the others till around 4pm ? Cycled from 5pm tll 7pm, damn tired ~
Didnt take photo, cause it's damn windy man ! Oh, I went with Jim, Ervin & Yvonne :DD
And, after that walk to Marine Parade for dinner :D Nthg much bahs, just chatting here & ther !

Yes, this silly Ervin ! Laughs* Handsome yeahs ? He'll be happy if he see this photo ~
Oh ! Im damn careless man . I lost my ez-link card while Im cycling >< And, I paid $2 for the trip !
Cause I doesnt have small change ! And me, walk home from tampines interchange, super tiring ~
Anyway, tmr going Sentosa with classmates I guess ! I want it to be a fun one, pleaseee ~

Im not really in the mood ? I feel so stupid & silly of me .
Most imptly, I feel my self so cheap & slut . Really :(

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