Friday, April 10, 2009

Pray-ed Father's Parents !

Back ! Laughs* Woke up around 8.30am, super early please =.= !
As promised, I took photos of all the food prepared this morning ~
Look so delicious right :x Anyway, headed to fetch Jiamin they all .
Then went to Bedok ~ This year, we got a big big group of people thr !
More people there this time round . And our things are like, alot okays :x

Heard arguement there :x A's kids accidentally bang onto B's things !
Making a big fuss over there and called the person in-charge too .
So lame right, zZz ! Okays, me & Jiamin stood there and listen :x
Laughs* The smoke is making everyone tearing, super smoky !
Well, sat there while waiting and was super bored ~ Lalalalala !

Okay, finally get to leave the place ! Hohohos, as usual my house ~
 Gathered at my house, & eat those food, yummys ! Laughs*
Took photos too, and being a photographer of cause thr's no pics of me .
Okays, bathed and went for a nap ! Super tired, hahaha ~
Sleep for 2 hours :x Shiok uhs ! But still tired, & eat things again !
I keep getting hungry uhs :x Laughs* Suspect Im pregnant :x
Hahah, which is 100% Impossible, if not I wont be (......) !

Alright, tmr gonna do smthg to my hair ! Hopefully reborn ?
Depends uhs . Cause must see my hair conditions uhs ~
 If not, will be cutting & then do treatment ? Then to Library !
And, my ATM card is with XGBFF -.- ! Mommy pay 1st I think :x
Okayokay, logging off now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee ~~~

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