Thursday, April 09, 2009

I finally understand !

Im back to update le :DD Do you miss me readers ? Opps :x
Laughs* Shall post about the 3D3N Chalet @ Sentosa, hahahah !
1st day ahs, went to meet Bro & SL @ Tampines Inter first ~
Headed to Pasir Ris Downtown to clarify smthg, then meet Kenneth .
Back to Tampines Interchange again, took bus 65 to Harbourfront !
Bus to Sentosa and the bus only got us, laughs* Go mad pleasee ~
Anyway, book in the chalet and was quite dissapointed, but nvm !
Waited for Robin to come . Headed for lunch around 6 plus :x Laughs*
Stoning at room, play cards, then went to play video games, laughs ~
Started to cam-whore then ! Started by me :x Nowhr to go, kbox then :D
MRT to Orchard & went to Cine Kbox ! Laughs* Totally madness pleaseee !
Sing and scream just lik nobody business uhs ? Till 5am sia, zZzZz...
Nahs people, heres all the photos for the 1st day, enjoy :DDD !

Okayokay, and we gotta take the 1st MRT train back to Harbourfront, haha .
Then finally we reach Vivo, manage to climb the stairs till level 5, guess what !
The tram haven started to operate yet ~ Once again, 1st tram back to Sentosa ~
And everyone was seriously tired tired tired ! Back to Chalet, bath & sleep :x
Around 12 plus ? All woke up, but still lying on the bed ! Well, till 3pm then go out :x
Headed for lunch, and walk awhile back to chalet ~ Swimming next, but I didnt uhs .
Photographer = me ! Help to take photos and play around with them, im wet too :x
Okay, I volunteered to bath 1st :x Cause dont wanna snatch toilet with them uhs ~
Anyway, bath & took photos again, hahaha ! That's my main purpose uhs, hors ?
Then ahs, suppose to be dining at Sakae, but who knows ! The plan was just not right :x
Last min decision, Robin went out and buy Mac for us ~ But we are starving alrdy !
7-Eleven, a store & more ! Laughs* Bought sandwiches, mashed Potatoes, shiok ~
Around 11pm our Mac came back ! Laughs ~ Ate and then chat awhile, laughs !
They were playing cards, and the punish is to beat their hand, ohmygod mans ~
If I were to play, my face will be swollen ! Cause they say for me is pinch face :x
Okay, finally they change game ~ True/Dare ! Laughs, their Qns are funny ~
Example, they'll ask you what you ate just now la, where do you live currently -.- !
But overall, it's meaningful as MrFoo.SL asked meaningful question, and it's true .
Chatt-ed about this and that, life & relationship all these . All become emotional :x
Till 4am I couldnt stand it, and I went to sleep ! One by one, all went to sleep ~~
Alrights, heres the photo for the 2nd day ! Lalalalalala, laugh for all you want ppl ~

Finally the chalet has comes to an end uhs ? Laughs* Hmmm, wake up @ 9am !
Thanks to Bro for not sleeping, so that he could wakes us up ! XIEXIE BRO :DD
Okay, then bath and wakes the others up ! Kenneth is always to wake up :x
Chatted till 10.30pm then left the chalet, book out too ~ Then took tram out !
Anyway, went to the beach for around 10 mins ? Laughs, took photos ~~
Due to not enough sleep, everyone do funny things, hahaha . I laughs :D
Okay, MRT back till Tampines, and we are alrdy planning the June hols chalet !
Laughs* Parted @ Tampines Interchange, and headed home ! Ohmy, tired ~
Prepared myself and waited for XGBFF to come . Headed to Sch with GJH too ~
Well, bought my white polo ! But GJH couldnt get his size, so he got marron instead !
Then went to TM foodcourt for lunch, ohmygod ! I miss YPMF ~~ Super nice :DD
Watermelon Juice, getting worst please ~ The taste is so sucky ! Laughs*
Then to Bugis, acc XGBFF and bought her Zero-Degree Spec, $8 . Worth ?
Well, should I change mine too ? Anyway, I didnt buy anything today at all !
Am I a good girl ? Laughs* And I got my pay today :DDD, Hahahahah ~
Alright, Im finally done with the post alright ! Byeeeeeeeeee people :DD
Tmr going 祭拜 Ahgong ! Hope I'll be able to wake up early uhs, laughs*
Ohya, I didnt forget the photos ohs ! Do enjoy the last part of photos !

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