Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shopping with Mommy !

Okayokay ! Done-ed with the photos ~~ Back to Thursday, I gotta go back to work uhs ! And work was fine and alright ~ Cause volume is super super low ! Haha ~ Okayokay. lunch with Uncle Guowei, haha ! Quite alright uhs ? Cause we chat like nobody business uhs ! Haha ~ Okay, after work meet MrKenneth for dinner ~ Went to century square for dinner ! Ate banmian, and then went to Tampines Stadium nearby's playground ! Laughs ~ Slacking and talking craps too ! Took photos too ~ Anyway, went home around 10 plus ?

Friday, work again ! But more slack uhs ~ Lunch with him again, last day lunch with him :( But well, nvm ! Hahah ~ Went to meet Gerald after work, had Sakae Sushi for dinner ! 2 of us ate $57 ! Haha, alright ba hors ? Then meet MrKenneth again, haha ~ Headed to EV, then northpark ! Played swing and then went to coffee shop for toilet ! Then both of them acc me home, by walking ! Haha ~ I can help to minus fats !

Anyway, home around 11 plus ? Suppose to meet Min for supper, cancelled at last ! MSN with the both of them will 3am :x Haha ! Today, sleep till 1pm :x Haha, same goes for my dear mother ! Haha, super shiok I can say, hahaha ~ Prepared ourself and went to 800 plsu for food ! 4pm consider what ?

Laughs, acc Mommy to doc and then Cab to Expo . Robinson sales ! Hahah ~ Meet cousin there and shop till 7 plus ? Spend $85 for my stuff only ! Haha ~ Bus to 201 and meet Daddy for dinner ! Laughs, then walk back home around 10pm ?  Bath and watch tv ~ Blablabla ! Around 1am, meet Gerald and Kenneth for Supper ~ Hahaha ! Last min decision, cause Im hungry uhs :x Okay, back home at 1.30am -.- They seems so bored !

Well, and Im finally done with all the updatesssssss ! *Claps* Off to sleep, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

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