Monday, March 30, 2009

ITE life ?

HELLOS ! Im back to post again ~ Laughs ! Okayokay ~ Sunday Im suppose to repair my mp4 I think :x But ! I went to the wrong place -.- Hahaha ~ Im suppose to go to Plaza Singapura ! But, I went to Funan IT Mall ~ Which takes me the whole afternoon to find this Funan Mall, and in the end it's the wrong place ! Laughs ~

Okayokay, around 6 plus ? Headed to Tampines Mall back, meet Gerald & Kenneth, AGAIN ~ Laughs ! Everyday we are meeting :x Okayokay, saw Evon & Simin ! Hahah, long time no see uhs ~ Hmmm, help Simin buy Cigg, cause Im 18 ! Hahah, then waited for her to smoke finish ~ Then suppose to meet the others at Bedok, last min they cnt make it ! Headed to CS Sakae for dinner then ~ Again ! I had sushi thrice this week pleasee . Laughs ! Cnt blame ah, both me & Gerald are sushi lovers ~ Laughs ! Back home and very tired ah ~~

Today went to College East for Regristration ! Laughs, morning 8am Im awake alrdy :x Ohmy, zZz ! Super tired please, so do GJH ! Both of us drag ourself to prepare and left the house around 9am ? Laughs ~ Bus to inter then to School . Very tired, haha ~ Okay, get our form passed up and took the colourblind test ! Well, he's super action sia ! He got Full marks, I only got 13 out of 15 ~ Not bad la hors :x

Anyway, took photos for ez-link card and off to buy uniform ! Hmmm, today Im brave ? Or rather, Im abit brave ~ Cause I decides things for myself ! Laughs ~ Then, acc him home, he bath, blablabla ~ Headed to Tamp 138 for KFC ! Then headed back to Interchange help Mommy deposit money ~ Then back home -.- Laughs !

It's a tiring day for me today ! Laughs ~ Everyday is tired for me, ask robin say ! Laughs ~ Tmr gotta work again, but Im left with 4 more days, zZz ! I will cherish uhs ~ Laughs . Okayokay, Im meeting this guy call YAZI in 30mins time ! He say, he got his pay and he's gonna treat me dinner ~ Laughs ! Wonder who else there huhs ? Hahaha ~ Okay, Im off to prepareeeeeeeeee !

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