Friday, September 26, 2008

HanBaoBao !

Okayokay ! Sorry for not postiing for 4 days, including today ~
3day2night for chalet ! Great & had fun with cousin, but sun burn :(
Nthg much to mention actually ! Cause nth much happen maa :x
Ohh btw, iim back with Baby (: Patchh back le laaa, to those kepos !
Laughs* and today iis our 7th month anniversary ! Nvr go out, hah ~

Baby is currently sleeping so soundly at my room, laughs* Piggg :x
He must be very tiiredd ba ? Didnt sleep well for 2 night at chalet !
Let him sleep ahwhile more then wake him up, later going study at RC ~
But it's raining so so heavily now ! Maybe think twice before going baa ?

Blablabla ! Had been shopping online for th past few hours, hahahaha :x
Think ii spend almost $80 on all those clothings ! Excluding shipping fees ~
Laugh* Is taiwan spree, and it's kinda cheap ? Buy more, money all gone !
Hahahaha, trying to cut down now :x Siiansiiannsiiann pleaseeeeeeeeeeee .

Alright, gotta go off to bath lerrr ! Later dinnering with Parents, no more study ~
Cause gotta dinner with them ~ Laughs* Off to prepareeeee, byeeeeeeee !

Happy 7th Month Anniversary To Baby !

Glen :
Hahaha, 2 more weeks :( Im leavingg th sch le !
Junkiat :
Yeayea ! You gotta work hard too kayys ~ So you can go ur AMaths class (:
Xingan :
Althought you left the school, we will still contact de kayys ! Laughs* ILY !
Suyi :
Linkedd !
Elano :
She seen me before ? Laughs*
jiahanz :
ChuaShangFen, hahaha ! kepos :x
Wilson :
Yo er zi ! LAUGHS*

Thursday, September 25, 2008

4NA&4NT Graduation :(

Im sosososo tiiredd pleaseeee ! SighSighSigh, super tiredd ahh ~
School was fiinee today, kinda siiann ahh . Got special time table !
Everday day released on 1.15pm ! Shoik, get to rest more often, haha ~

Pretty moodless today, maybe due to insufficient sleep ii think ?
Everyday sleep about 6hrs ? Not enough man, panda eyes all out !
And pimples are increasing on my face :x Didnt study outside today.
Not at tmart, not at 446. Myabe at Grandma house? Shawn's birthday !
Hahaha, but think iim gonna doze off at grandma hse ? Tiiredd laaa ~

Tmr iis 4NT&4NA's graduatiion ceremony ! Ohhmyy, super shebude :(
Xingan, JuanJuan, Simin & Cher. No longer see-ing them that often le ~
But it's alright kayys ? Still can meet out often lik we do now, chillss !
Keep contact kayys ! I gave my number to you guys alrdy, contact mee laa (:

Haohaohao, done posting for today leee ! Off to preparee, nt posting tmr ?
Family chalet on 26 to 28Sept, maybe staying over bahh ? Laughs* Depends !

Glen :
Hahahah ! I didnt see you today again :( Tmr tmr ! HAHA :D

Elano :
Hao ah ! Wait till ii after olvl then go kayys ? HAHAHA ! Call more ppl to go :D Btw, iim not a big bird ! Neither a da huang niao :x

Hansiang :
Haha, really ? I didnt noe was lik this, hahaha !

Xingan :
WHNL ! Guess urself, laughs*

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Sorry for not posting ytd, hahaha ! Was kinda tiiredd ytd ~
Keep studying everyday, tmart or 446, everyday studying !
Kinda stess for everyone, and mood goes up & down :x
Blablabla ! okayokay, 21more days to Olvl, 3 week mannn !

Today lesson was kinda siiann ! 3 periiod of maths in th morning ~
went thru ytd's paper, hahaha ! I scoredd well okayys, wonderful mee :x
Given another paper, didnt started at all, cause all dont noe how to do !
So started to stare into space againn ! Im begining to be lazy noww, haha :x

And now now now, iim soso tiiredd & moodless ! Today simply sucks k ?
Dont feel lik doing anything, dont feel lik going anywhere, soso tiiredd :x
Alright, still gotta study today ! Maybe not 446 tonight, jus tmart will do .
Cause iim too tiired to study till late today ! Off to preparee, byeeee :DD

imy, baby..

KeeYong :
Linkeddd :DD ! Relink me tooo !

Glen :
Today, Wednesday you seen me ! Twice okay :x Hahah !

Dino :
Hahah ! S.H.E's new song, 安静了. Sound lik Jay's 安静 yea? Hah !

ShangFen :
Tell you when we meet okayys ! Cheers :D Meet-up-soon pleaseee ! Imy (:

Xingan : ily, imy, iwy ! HAHAHA :x

Monday, September 22, 2008

Okayokay ! Hahah, Sat outing was really a good one !
Hahah, cyclinngg ~ & iim super idiot onne, super idiot :x
Wore jacket, cycle at Pasir Ris Park for 2 hours -.- haha !
Kinda idiot, but can help me slim downnn ! Woohhooss :x

Ytd went to Xy house and study, together wiith YangYang !
Kinda fun, studied alot and laugh alot ! Hahah, all thks to xy ~
Loci, a maths chapter . She defines it as "laosaii", shitty mann !
LaughsOutLoudd pleaseeee :DD ! Blablabla, doing maths question ~

Today lesson was ohh-soo boredd ! Everyday also boredd, haha ~
Physics was like, ohhhhhhhhh .. Cause ii ask qns, & ii understand !
Hahaha, gotta work hard for this last lap pleaseee ! Olvl Jiayouus :D

And ohh-soo-finally ! My phoneee iis founddd ~ Haha, later collect !
Then study at Xingan house ii think ? Hmmm, ii miss my phoneeeeeee :DD
Went to TM and thought of applying jobs, but nobody wants me :(
Gonna try harder uhs ? Laughs* Off to prepareeee, byeeeeeee :DD

Glen :
Hahaha, nvm nahhh ! Glenn also niicee :DD

Peijuan :
Yupyup ! I haf (: Hahah, bina haf it too ? I online ii send youu !

Xingan :
Wahhhlaoooos ! Hate me everyday say :( I hate youu too laaaa !

Evon :
Lols, then ? Dont say sorry .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reply to taggs !

Evon :
Hey girl, dont think ii knw who are them ba ? Dont scold vulgarity kayys . It's not me who ask ppl to come alright ? You contact him, nvr contact him, patch with him or watever, it's none of my business laaa . Think ii will really go care or wat ? Yups, ii msg you and told you about me&his story . So ?

Charmaiine :
Mamamamamaaaaaaaa ! It's okayy . Im finee mama (: Dont worry, not gonna care much baaa ? Anyway, it's kinda none of my business laaa . So, yupp . Im okayy :D Thanks anyway ! Loveee ~

Peiijuan&Angela :
Linkedddddddd :D

Time will prove everything..

Back to post noww ! Haha, sorry for not postiing ytd, cause tiiredd ~
Well, Thurday played block catching ! Hahah, iim kinda weak ahh ?
Supposely ii can continue th game, but ii run up & down, very tiiredd ~
So charmaiine take-over meeee ! And took cab with Auggy home at 12 plus .

Hahahahaha ! ytd went to east point, supposely is to take back my phone.
Butbutbut ~~ They couldnt find my phoneee, hais hais hais !
And they gave me back another lousy phone which is cnt repair deee !
They say will call me when my phonee iis found -.- Wthhhelllss laaa ~
If cnt find, jiu replacee a new phone for meeee ! Hahahahaha :DDDD

Back home around 7pm, all the way till ii sleep, hahaha ! Doing maths,
andd watch teveeee ! Till 11pm, knock out, too tiiredd alrdy, haha .
Till morniing, wake up thriicee ! 7am, 8 am, 10am, hahah, tiiredd leyy .

Later goiing celebrate Junkiiat biirthdayyyyyy ! Hahahah, great mann ~
Today iis resting day for meee, no studyiingg ~ Going 日本村 for lunchh !
Then to either pool/bowlinggg ! Hahahah ~ Off to do abit revision le, byeeeee !

Huiwen & Huiwen2 :
Thanks for feeling so bufu for me. But it's alright ii think ? I dont mind baa . Even if they get together, it's fine. Cause it's my choice. It doesnt matter who match Jiahan most now, it's useless laas . So, ya ! It's okay girls (: Thanks kayys !

Carmen :
Jiiiamiinnnn ! Darlinngg ~ Hahah, linkedd alrdy ! Meet up after my exams alright :DDD !

Passer-by :
Blahhhhsss ! Im not ! Haha :x

Hansiang&Weiyu :
Linkeeedddd ! Thanks for relinking meee :D

Happy Birthday to Junkiat & HuanChoonn :DD

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Zhu Ni Men Xing Fu

backk ! hahaha, iim much better alrdy (:
Thks everyone for everything, really thanks !

Went to pizza hut for lunchh, pretty fun uhs ?
Total 11 people went & shopping after that !
Bought another set of colour pen again, ohhmyy !
Im addicted to pen -.- hahahahaha ! Mad pleasee ~

Then now back home alrdy ! Btw, later studyinngg ~
Till 10 plus ii think ? At home also siian, hahaha :x

Off to prepareee, byeeeee ! Im okay? Maybe then..
Things wasnt as bad as ii think? They are happy..

zhu ni men xing fu (:
am ii wrong again ?
what's wrong actually ?
when iim smiling, iim bleeding.

why dont you says ?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everything has end, with a drop of tears..
Shdnt teared at all, cause this is wat ii decided..

Baby, gimmiie some time. I need to think carefully.
You are not in fault, its me. Dont blame yrself..
Fated ? Maybe then. Fate is really playing on us.
Feelings come and goes w/out giving any chance.
So be it then ? Let fate decides everything else.
Take care of yrself alright ? Dont worry abt me...

I didnt regret, cause ii understand.
If we will get back, we will.
If not, forcing wouldnt do gd to anyone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008




Monday, September 15, 2008

I lovee studying, like nothing else (:

Heyyoohhs ! Wo hui lai le ~~
Currently in school's lab D ! Hahah ~
Suppose to have PE now, but doing quizes !

Blablabla ! Maths lesson jus now, boredd ~
Was doing geo notes during maths, haha !
Rushing ahh, cause not enough time :x

After school gonna meet Xingan again !
Tmart mac study again, hahaha :DD

Then night going to Xy house for Juan's bdae !
Steamboat for dinner, haha, agaiin ahh ~
Celebratiion of Juan's birthday. hahah !
Happy Birthday JuanJuan :DDD

31days to Olvl, ohhmyygodd ahh, hahaha :x
It's exact OneMonth left ! Jiayou Jiayou (:
Im done with Chemistry notes alreadyy ~
Left Maths, Geo & Social Studies only (:

I wonders, is it ____ ?
Or it's jus a Habit ?
Sighs* Im thinkings now..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

When will it ends ?

Back again ! Hahah, ytd was a rest day for meee (:
Hahah, feeling so weird w/out studying for one day !
Ytd 10am, baby wake me up ~ But ii went back to sleep :x
12 plus then wake up, preparedd myself & went out !
Meet Xy, Vin, Sam & Jessie ~ Hahah, bus to E-hub arcade !

Playing games with Xy & Jessie ! Hah, damn damn fun, laughs*
Then 4 plus went to Pasir Ris Inter, MRT to Simei & meet cass they all.
MRT all the way to Bugis, went to this hotel, Royal Queen ii think ?
Buffet looks kinda Home-cooked ! Hahaha, but it's still nice (:

After that MRT back to Tampines & Bus to Safra, PoolPoolPool !
Blablabla ! Nthg much to mention about, cause it's super bored thr ~
Lucky ther's a machine, and it contains this game call photo hunt to entertain me !
Around 12 plus, took last bus of 28 ! Hahahah :x So heng uhs ?
Then jiu home, lalalala ~ And now iim awake ! Later going Xingan hse study ~
Togther with Steamboat toooo ! Hahahah :x Baby's also goiing ! Hahah ~

Copied from Sylvia's Blog !
The people who appears to be closest to you,
Might not be the ones who are closest to you.
Best friends are people who shared secrets among themselves.
But not to only two, leaving the odd one out.
To me, Best friends aren't the one who i meet often,
and the ones that i always appears to be with,
But is the one whom we contact lesser then usual.
Our hearts beat as one, understanding each other well,
Will be there for you when you are not in the mood.
Even though we're miles apart, our bond is still strong.
And nothing else beats more then Best friends.
Do you know who's ur best friends ? IDK ...

Okayokay . Bigbig apologise to Charmaine, Pinky, Angela & Auggy .
Sorry for all those things ii've done . Yes, iim irritating, ii admit .
Not trying to mean wat, but ii do realise iim kinda iirritaing sometime .
I dont blame you all, perharps all this while, iim th one at fault .
Sisters, let this be the one last chance for me ? Possible ?
I dont wanna lose you guys, we've been together for 5 yrs ?
It's sad to lose friends, cause of all these things happening .
Clear all these things and concentrate on our Olvl bahhs ?

Auggy, thanks & sorry .

Friday, September 12, 2008

Is everything okay already ?

Jus posting for th sake of postiing ! Hahahs :x
Off to study le, byeeeeeeee (:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A bigbig *SIGHS* ~

Im back postiingg ! Rate my mood out of 10, is negative 10 ~~
Hmms, which means my mood is pretty bad bad bad !
Laughs* Mood is up and down, blablabla ! Whatever it is ~

Didnt went to school today, kinda tiiredd ! As ii slp around 2am ?
And went back to school for class photo ~ Hmm, no comment !
501 still rocks, as iim see-iing ? Laughs* Hope will last ahh ?

Mac studying again, everyday ! & Mom is MC for 2 days, good !
Cause ii got free lunch/dinner from her ! Hohohos :x Lalalala ~

I really got nothing to post ah ~~ Cnt say much also, haha ?
I loveeee Baby, and ii wonder how long we can last, laughs*

Off alrdy ! Today studying physics, jiajiajiayouyouyou ! 36 days :(

I got to move on, and be who I am.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Let fate decides ?

URL changedd ! Hah, link me or not, up to you ~
Cause ii've removedd link !

Hmmm, I dont noe wat else should ii say.
This and that, he or she, yes or no...
Leave everything to fate,
no more complaining or argue-iing ? .
I hope things will be fine,
and no more arguement among us ba ?
Sighs* If w/out me following you all,
will things become better ?
I think so then.
It's time for me to do something about it .
And ii hope ii made th right choice ?

Failed my Chemistry&Physics,
but MCQ paper nt back yet.
Chem Pratical pass ! Byeeeeeeeee !
Off to study already (:
37more days to Olvl !

JIAYOU ppl (:

Monday, September 08, 2008

Support support !

Heyhey ! Im back alright (: Kinda late post :x
Gonna post a fast one, cause laptop is burning !
Use too long already :x Sch was okok ? Laughs**

Eh, english overall get 53%, still got pass, no bad !
Had my phone repaired today, $80 bucks pleasee :(
Getting it back around 3 to 5 days, ii hope ah !
Went studying with Xingan & dinner with parents ~
While baby went studying with his prisch friends (:

Ohhyaa ! Pleaseee support me yea? Blogshop opened (:
Spree starts today, hoodies & FBTs for th moment !
Get yours now, support me leyyyyy ! HAHAHAHAH :x ! Thankss ohhh (:
Anything can even msg me for those who are close to me !

Tmr gonna study maths ii think ? With Sheanyang too (:
Haha ! He joined us, and blablabla ! Off to do geo alrdy :D
Byeeeeeeeee ! I think Baby wants me to jealous? Haha :x

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Apologise, to sisters.

Hmms, pictures posted ! Nthg else already..
Apologise, is what i own every one of them.
Irritated is how they feel now, yea sisters ?
Trust, i doubt i'll be gaining back from them, anymore.
This is what ii am now, sorry sisters.

Confused ? I deserve it.

Alright ! Im awake from my sleeepp :DD !
Well, ytd night studied alone till 1am ~
But ii stil cant finish my chemistry :x Laughs*
Such a waste of time !
But today ii sure finish and start my practice work ! Hahah :x

Hmmm, donedonedone ! Well, still gonna study later on ~~
Hope everything gonna be fine ?
Friendship, relationship, once again turn bad.. Sighs*
What can ii do people ? It's always me alone..
Laughs* Blablabla ! Tmr goiing Xy house studyyy :D Byeeeeeeeee !

Friday, September 05, 2008

Smile widely !

Backbackback ! Hah, no own picture to post,
cause no pictures takenn ! So post wat ii feel lik doing !
Nonsense :x Wake up around 9am :x Hahahah !
Starts doing notes again & th last chapter of chemistry alreadyy ~
Hohohos :x Great pleaseeeeeee (: Ytd night,
had some misunderstanding with Baby :x
It's my fault, not making things clear, and anyhow make conclusion !
Haha :x Sorry baby, sort out with Baby and we fine already :P
I love you Baby, & promise next time will ask properly alright ?
Hahah, alright ahh ! Im jealous kayys :x Fairfaiir liiaoos !
Laughs* Thanks Xingan, Aiai, Nuer & Auggy :DD Laughs*
Later peii Xingan go take things then back to tmart for studies again !
Hah, ii mus start doing practice todayy ! Cause tmr ii last say for chemistry,
for my schedule :x Laughs* Baby has wake up,
but still seems to be so tiired ? 3am sleep, sure de maa :P
Donne with today posting, long enough ? Off to preparee !
Wriiten something meaningful below, taken from peoples blog,
it's super true, ii swear ! Check it out and see whose your TRUE friends :DD

BFs are there to care for you all the times,
BFs are there to listen to your problems,
BFs come to you automatically & not waiting for you to go over,
BFs ask you about your day instead of whining about their day,
BFs tries to understand your situation even when they are feeling low,
BFs understand your problem and solves them for you,
BFs never stop by to ask you about your thinking and opinions,
BFs lends you a shoulder for you to cry on,
BFs dont laugh at you when you are afraid of things,
BFs dont mock at you, but they stand up for you,
BFs are willing to give up everything even love just for you,
BFs stands beside you all the while when you need them,
BFs dont tell you straight into your eyes that they are one,
cause they prove it through their actions & heart,
and are you a BF in friends ?

PS: BFs stands for Best Friends :DD

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Studying studying !

Firstly, a bigbig apologise to everyone who came to my blog these few days !
Hah, came in with dissapointment :x
Sorry ahh ! Computer spoil :( Sorry ~
And currently using Dad's laptop to update my blog !
Lazy to update too :x Alright ! Had been studying everyday,
it's true you know ! Morning till night ~
Im super hardworking alright ? Almost done with my chemistry notes,
hahaha :x Left 2 more days for chemistry,
so gonna chiong and do some practise work (:
Dion teach me de, mus do practise and not only notes !
Hors ? & it's worth :DD Blablabla !
Today iis Thrusday & tmr is friday -.-
But everday seems the same to me? Laughs*
Bought a top ytd at tmart :x Hah ! Last piece le,
lucky uhs ? Hahaha :x Pretty bored can ! Ytd dinner @ 844 ?
Rain was pretty big & lucky we haf car (:
Back home and was watching th 9pm series show,
kinda funny uhs ? Hah, mus watch ! Was msg-ing diion&auggy ytd night !
Hah, both of them motivate me to workhard !
Hah, auggy telling me to haf goals and aim, blablabla !
Then dion teaching steps ~
Pretty good, at least ii have someone to motivate meeeeee !
Hahaha, siiann laaaa :x Blogging seems so bored ?
Now then ii realise ! When you haf things to post,
it wouldnt be bored ! When you haf nth to say,
is lik super super siiann cans ? Hahaha !
Enough of crappiing pleaseeeee ~ My mouth has a ulcer,
super pain :x Off to study now ! Later meeting Xingan for study again !
Gd luck XIngan :DDDDD ! Byeeeee !
Btw, ii wan that star hoodiies badly please ~
I order le :x 20days to CKbdae ! 42days to Olevel ~
But 68 days to end of exams (: Hahahah :x
Im left with 2 more days for chemistry,
then ii have to move on to geo, JIAYOU !