Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Sorry for not posting ytd, hahaha ! Was kinda tiiredd ytd ~
Keep studying everyday, tmart or 446, everyday studying !
Kinda stess for everyone, and mood goes up & down :x
Blablabla ! okayokay, 21more days to Olvl, 3 week mannn !

Today lesson was kinda siiann ! 3 periiod of maths in th morning ~
went thru ytd's paper, hahaha ! I scoredd well okayys, wonderful mee :x
Given another paper, didnt started at all, cause all dont noe how to do !
So started to stare into space againn ! Im begining to be lazy noww, haha :x

And now now now, iim soso tiiredd & moodless ! Today simply sucks k ?
Dont feel lik doing anything, dont feel lik going anywhere, soso tiiredd :x
Alright, still gotta study today ! Maybe not 446 tonight, jus tmart will do .
Cause iim too tiired to study till late today ! Off to preparee, byeeee :DD

imy, baby..

KeeYong :
Linkeddd :DD ! Relink me tooo !

Glen :
Today, Wednesday you seen me ! Twice okay :x Hahah !

Dino :
Hahah ! S.H.E's new song, 安静了. Sound lik Jay's 安静 yea? Hah !

ShangFen :
Tell you when we meet okayys ! Cheers :D Meet-up-soon pleaseee ! Imy (:

Xingan : ily, imy, iwy ! HAHAHA :x

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