Thursday, September 04, 2008

Studying studying !

Firstly, a bigbig apologise to everyone who came to my blog these few days !
Hah, came in with dissapointment :x
Sorry ahh ! Computer spoil :( Sorry ~
And currently using Dad's laptop to update my blog !
Lazy to update too :x Alright ! Had been studying everyday,
it's true you know ! Morning till night ~
Im super hardworking alright ? Almost done with my chemistry notes,
hahaha :x Left 2 more days for chemistry,
so gonna chiong and do some practise work (:
Dion teach me de, mus do practise and not only notes !
Hors ? & it's worth :DD Blablabla !
Today iis Thrusday & tmr is friday -.-
But everday seems the same to me? Laughs*
Bought a top ytd at tmart :x Hah ! Last piece le,
lucky uhs ? Hahaha :x Pretty bored can ! Ytd dinner @ 844 ?
Rain was pretty big & lucky we haf car (:
Back home and was watching th 9pm series show,
kinda funny uhs ? Hah, mus watch ! Was msg-ing diion&auggy ytd night !
Hah, both of them motivate me to workhard !
Hah, auggy telling me to haf goals and aim, blablabla !
Then dion teaching steps ~
Pretty good, at least ii have someone to motivate meeeeee !
Hahaha, siiann laaaa :x Blogging seems so bored ?
Now then ii realise ! When you haf things to post,
it wouldnt be bored ! When you haf nth to say,
is lik super super siiann cans ? Hahaha !
Enough of crappiing pleaseeeee ~ My mouth has a ulcer,
super pain :x Off to study now ! Later meeting Xingan for study again !
Gd luck XIngan :DDDDD ! Byeeeee !
Btw, ii wan that star hoodiies badly please ~
I order le :x 20days to CKbdae ! 42days to Olevel ~
But 68 days to end of exams (: Hahahah :x
Im left with 2 more days for chemistry,
then ii have to move on to geo, JIAYOU !

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