Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Didnt went for Geo coaching, super bored man ! Laughhs*
But ii diid went for S.S coachiing hors ! totally lost ~~ ohhmyys !
but alriight lahh, learnt abit lohs :x then went for art, blablabla ~
taken my specs, looks really weiird uhs? Laughhs* But it's okay ~

anyway, Baby sorry ah ! Haf to wait at doorstep, cos no key, laughs*
then went to korkor chalet, happy birthday ahh bro ! LaughsOutLoud*
Shouldnt haf went thr so early, totally strangers && nothing to do ~~
but till cousin all come, then was chattiing lik idiots & moron agains :x

planniing an outiing before HT go back to America, sentosa? Laughs*
Was busy entertaining people, andd totally no tiime to chat or eat !
stay till midnights, jiieet ! suppose, wanted to take a nap at chalet,
but cnt ! cos too noiisy liiaos, yahh, so nvr slp lohhs ! jiieettt ~~

done done done, goiing off ! today, ii noe wat iis abandon :*((((

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