Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Coaching really driives me crazy ! Esp, ii dont haf enuff slp ~
Meet Baby iin th morniing, and went to sch, jiieet !
Scoldiing & Stadning for 45min, punnishment from MrGoh ~

Laughs* then Pratical, faintiing pls ! super diizyy ~
Left Right, Left Right, Left Right, 12 tiimes !
Diid some paperwork, still managable, Laughs*
went for Art after lunch, 3pm jiu Byebye liaos ~
super siian ! diid nth pls ~ && nvm, meet mad !

Went playing playground around sch nearby, Laughs*
Childhood pls ! Then 201 for sushi, LaughOutLoud pls ~
3 Idiots Laughiing lik nvr before, Ohhmyys !

Shared diinner wiith Mom, && it was super full :x
Sudoku, part of my liife ii suppose ! always wiith me ~~
Donedone, gotta go off ! Tmr, korkor's Chalet :DD

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