Friday, July 23, 2010

Ohman, childish =.=

Got photo got photo le ! Well , skipped today's lesson due to laziness :D Hahaha , and today's my off day ~ I'll be working working working all the way till August ! And I haven see my schedule for next month yet , hope it's a good one ? But anyway , Baby's off day is my off day too ! Told the supervisor already ~ And finally I can sleep later today ! But woke up at 9am , trying to jailbreak my itouch ~ Ohman , seriously not easy ! Well , restored the itouch for quite a few time . But still , I fail to jailbreak ~ Give up & packed up my room ! My room is like so dusty, maybe that's the reason why Im sneezing when Im home ? Laughs , and changed my bedsheet too !

Anyway, meet up with this Silly guy of mine ! He came over my house , and both of us took bus 17 to Bedok for dinner ! Well , was alighting the bus & this "Bitch" is rushing her way out when I cant even see the floor and my leg was like in the air ~ So I step onto her leg , and she stare at me ! I apologise , but she's scolding me "F*ck" behind me ~ Damn it , BITCH ! Should have stepped harder man ! Anyway , we ordered quite a few things & table beside us which have more than 2 people , eat lesser than us ~ Laugh , super super full I swear ! Headed back home & take photo ~ Long time didnt take photo , right Baby ? Oh , tmr Im working full day shift , 10am - 10pm ! Ohman , I hope time pass fast ? And Baby's coming over to stay tmr , he'll be fetching me from work ♥ Alright , Im done with update !

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello ! Im sure my views in nuffnang drop dramatically ! Due to my "not often" update , am I right ? But well , Im so sorry man ! I've been busy with school , work , school , work ! I dont even really have to time to spend time with Baby often anymore ~ And Im back to post something short ! Well , had been working after school for the past few weeks (money money come in!) ~ Ohya, I must say , I really do enjoy working ! HOWEVER, Im feeling super super tired every morning I wake up :c ! Okay , 5th Month Anniversay with Baby was a great one ! This silly guy , bought me a jacket , as a suprise , THANKYOU ♥♥ ! Went for movie marathon ! Watched Despicable Me & Inception , both movie were really nice , worht to watch , really :D And , later Im having WMMC case studies Presentation ! Kinda scary :x But , finally it's coming to an end , FINALLY HAR ^^ Okay Im done , the lesson is ending soon ! & my presentation is reaching, OMG (✖╭╮✖)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day in school with ♥ !

Back to update with some photos :))) Last Friday went XGBFF's house, & meet up with Yazi too ! He's seriously funny, & I guess he hate us TTM sometime :DD I think we only talk to him this way, in the whole wide world ~ Anyway, Saturday & Sunday meet up with Baby after his work for dinner ! Was searching for his Mother's present, he bought a GUESS wallet for her ~ Laugh, anyway ! Monday, skipped 1st lesson & meet Baby to school :))

School was really great with Baby ! It seems like, the world school only have the 2 of us :D Laugh, school ends around 4pm ? Went Tampines Mall, bought Baby's Dad present ! He spent more than $100 for his parent's birthday present ~ Anyway, had Subway for dinner & off I went to work ! Quite tiring day I must say :(((

And off day for today ! I gotta work again on Thursday ~ Tmr gonna acc Baby to meet his Mom, to pass her the present ! Im tagging along, cos I want to see her expression, *Laughs* ! And, Baby's coming over to stay on Thursday :D Friday, we're heading out to date ! It's our 5th month anniversary by the way :)) Im done updating, maybe I'll update on Saturday ?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

We'll prove them wrong (:

I'm finally home ! Back from this great and tired day of mine ~ Woke up and checked bout last night's soccer match ! OMG, GERMANY LOSE !? Quite, disappointed ~ But well, I shouldn't be so into this thin call soccer right ! But I'm abit interested these few days ! Anyway, had elective lesson this morning & I'm the first to finish the lab ! *PROUD* And, did lab again at WMMC's lesson ! Quite fun, but the air con is seriously very the cold ~ End school at 12 plus, self-declare ! Skipped S&W, hahahaha :x Back home prepared myself & headed off to Tampines's Hokkaido Food Fair ! I'm seriously addicted to those food over there ~ Queue for the Butter Manju, super damn nice ! It's a must to buy ^^ After that, bought the squid stuffed with rice, damn nice too ! So took bus 72 to Hougang, and was eating those stuff on the bus ~ We are too hungry ! Went Baby's house, till 6 plus ?

Went Compass Point and meet up with his mother, his sister tag along too ! Trying to find a place to dine and, but they have to consider me :x Cos I don't take spicy, and no veggie for me, plus I'm having ulcer now ! Kinda paiseh, and in the end we went for Pizza Hut ^^ A super nice dinner with them, they are humorous I must say ! Chatting just like normal friends ! Anyway, it's a treat from Baby's mother ~ Went walking around, till 9 plus ? Took 27 back to Tamp, and change to 28 ! I'm almost done with my updates ~ Tmr's weekend ! Great for me, but sad for Baby :((( Cos he gotta work ! And tmr I'm going to school, so good nights ^^

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

School starts !

Dingdong ! I'm back to update bout my life again ~ Well, yesterday was the first day of school for every ITE student ! But not for me & baby... Both of us was sick, and skipped the school ! Took bus to Hougang, and meet up with Baby ~ He's coughing so terribly, ohmy ! And at the same time, I'm having a terrible flu ~ So both of us headed to Polyclinic, waited for hours just to see that doctor ~ And the consultant fee is so expensive ! But well, it's like no choice ? Back to Baby's house, took bag & then went dinner at Tampines Mall 

Today headed school, first lesson was slacking already ! Chatting with the others ~ Ain't doing any work or something, laughs ! Everybody's first day to school, is today ~ Anyway, I haven get my pay man ! Supposely, it should be yesterday . But, i think POSB breakdown ? So, my pay isn't in yet.. Will it be in later after 2pm ? I hope so ahhh ! Alright, I'm done updating ^^ I still love school day !

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Helloooooo ! I'm finally back for this short update harrrrr ^^ Anyway, I have been busy working for the past few weeks ? I'm working at Tampines Mall'S ARTBOX ! I've seen quite a few familiar faces, and I somehow enjoy working over there ? I really don't have the time to post a proper post ~ But anyway, tmr in working full shift again ! And, after 4 days.... I FINALLY MEET TILL BABY !! Laugh, both of us had been busy with out work, and couldn't get to meet ~ And today, he's staying over at my house ^^ Next week, I'm starting school already ! I prefer school, so I could meet till baby everyday ~ I'm doneeee ! I promise, to update a proper post, someday ^^