Tuesday, June 08, 2010


had WNS test today, & i must say the whole class is cheating ! everybody okay ~ but anyway, the test was kinda easy, cos the revision he gave, is what we see on the exam paper ! so well, had long hours of break after that ~ headed to bedok interchange, & it's raining ! late for lesson, but still alright ? continue with case studies, & wednesday we'll be carrying out our case studies, with real antennas, and far distances !


too bad, baby wont be joining us ! due to some reason :x if not, he'll sure be very excited to play around ! but anyway, tried to rush my project management & getting it done by thursday ! Quite alot of things to finish up, but once im done, it will be holiday already ^^ And, 8 more days to 4th month anniversary ♥

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