Tuesday, April 06, 2010



Okokok ! Im back with a proper post, okay ? Anyway, today was a simple simple day spend with baby :] Woke up around 9am, baby came in my room ! Anyway, wash up & rot at home with baby ~ Went 201 for lunch, the weather is so super-uber-duper hot man ! I dont know whether baby is sweating, but im sweating away like free x] Walk to 201, but we took bus 28 back home, even if it's a 2 stops trip ! Back home, rested for awhile & started to do house chores ~ Wash fan, throw rubbish, wash clothes, hang clothes ! All was done within 30mins, with baby's help (◕‿◕✿) ! THANK YOU BABY, LOVE YOU ♥ ! Back to room, was watching show ~ Baby is starting to watch "Hi, My Sweetheart" already, all thanks to me I think ? Anyway, around 7 plus went 201 again to find Mommy they all ~ Didnt eat anything, cos Im not hungry at all ! Looking at baby eating, with that sleepy eyes of his ~ He must be super tired already... Headed home earlier than Mommy they all, & baby fall asleep on my lap ! Silly guy, woke up & his face looks kinda blur (≧◡≦) Packed up & I send him off to bus-stop ! Kinda worried for him, afraid that he would miss stops ~ But glad, he didnt :] OH BTW, I got my timetable ! Totally, bullshit (¬_¬) It starts lesson 8am, EVERYDAY ! Just imagine, how tired we would be when our lesson ends at 5pm-6pm... AND, how am I gonna wake up everyday !? I gotta wake up at around, 630am (¬_¬) ! & worst thing is, Im wont be meeting baby everyday to school due to that stupid elective we have ! Kill me please..... :[

PS : I MISS BABY 5652303 MUCH ♥ !
PSS : Tmr meeting baby, HAHAHAHAHA (≧◡≦)

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