Tuesday, January 26, 2010

* Yvonne 生日 *


*dingdong* ! I am back from the great day ~ Laugh, it's Yvonne 21st birthday ! Alright, meet up with Jopie & Jacky at Tamp 1st . Then headed to City hall, meet Junlong ~ After that meet up with the rest, total 8 people ! Okay, I got a new shoe from MrJacky ! Cause while walking, he step my leg & my shoe spoil ~ So coincidence, we stopped at Rubi this shoe shop ! And ya, he bought me a new show ~ Kinda paiseh, but still thanks ! Anyway, walking around Suntec, decided to go Billy Bombers for dinner ^^ Laugh, total bill of $240 plus ! Suprised her with a Birthday cake & lot of photos took I think ! All uploaded at FB alrdy ^^v ! According to Junlong, everyone of us gotta feed Yvonne a mouthful of our cake ~ And yeap we did, it's really interesting & fun xD After that, went to Esplanade for photo taking ~ Kinda fun & happening I can say, laugh ! It seems like everyone is 2 by 2 paired up ~ Just look at the photo & you'll get what I mean ! Okay, after that we went seperates way ~ Lastly, wishing Yvonne a Happy Birthday ! Hope she enjoys ^^v

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