Monday, January 18, 2010

* 红色星期一 *

Today aint a great day for me I can say ! Going to school, with a moody mood ~ Meet Junlong at Tamp inter as usual and was late for S&W ! But well, was doing nothing during that lesson . Keep nagging that my stomach was pain, again and again ! Walking towards Jianhua, told him my stomach pain . Walk towards Junlong, told him my stomach was pain again ! Hahaha, but they didnt find me a nag ~ I know they wanted to help, but ther's nthg they can do to help ? Only way is to tolerate my nags, hahahaha ~ Had short break, was chatting away at cafe one ! But still, my stomach is so pain ~~ Thomas lesson, as usual so bored ! Yvonne & Ervin wasnt here today, how bored ~ Early release and had 1hr 30min break ! My stomach is giving me big problem, so decided to go back home . Junlong they all had lunch at 201, so I tagged along ! Had my lunch, then headed back home ~ Had been watching show since Im back home till now ! Watch "Hi My Sweetheart" Ep 12 & "Autumn's Concerto" Ep 16 :DD Both show, "thumbsup" ! Ohya, I'll start work this coming Wednesday alrdy ~ Super fast isnt it, hahaha ! From wed till fri gonna be 6pm till 10pm ~ Coming sat will be a super tiring day for me ! 11am - 4pm will be going over to the HQ for training, 6pm - 10pm back to Airport to work ! Hardworking isnt it, hahahah ~ Nvm, jus think of the money will do xD ! Okay, short update will do ~ Gonna go bath & have a short nap ! My stomach is still very pain :(

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