Friday, January 08, 2010

* 我们的约定 *

Going to school on friday is too miracle for me I think ? It's the 2nd time for this term for me to go for friday lesson ~ Laugh, isnt it too exaggerated !? But well, thanks to somebody for influncing me to go to school ~ Hahaha, lesson was alright I guess ? Only 2 lesson, and headed back home after lesson . Kinda having headaches, so went to nap for 3 hours ! And am I silly ? To forget that I have to acc XGBFF to IMM, wake up with 21 missed calls ~ Laugh, sorry girl ! But still, Im gotta meet her for dinner ~ Together with Yazi ! He's seriously seriously a joker to me, laugh ~ Im gonna disturb him again later on ! Well, tmr I gotta go out with Yvonne they all ~ Going TopOne 1st I guess ? After that we shall see ~ Laugh, gotta go prepare now ! And, it's raining now ? How sudden it is har, laugh ~ And, more childhood photos is uploaded at FB ! Stay tune ^^v

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