Thursday, December 10, 2009

* 再见了... *

Today headed to school for that WAD quiz ! OMG, stress :x But well, at least I did 60% of it ~ Sure pass, should be no problem la ! After quiz headed to Tamp mall ! Eat & walk around Tampines too (: Nthg much I guess ? Headed to Grandma house,& meet Mommy thr ~ Had dinner there, & watch tv till 8pm ! Bus back home, how bored :x And ! The earpiece I bought from Msia, is faulty alrdy, how sad man... I need a new one mannn ~ Anybody send me some money ? How possible ! Alright, done with updating blog ! Tagboard inserted ^^ Please tag ok ~ Ohya, tmr gonna go cycling with XGBFF, Yazi & Sean I guess ? *Chills*

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