Monday, November 16, 2009

Updateee !

Helloooooooooooos !

Yes, im backkk ! Laughs, sorry for not updating for such a long long time ~
Com was down, and I wasnt at home for the past few days ! Super relax ah me :/
Well, last wednesday didnt went to Deston house for project ! Headed home, butbut...
I didnt bring key, so I stoned outside the doorstep ! All the way till 6pm, wtf man !
Wasted time, was suppose to do project ! Well, still rushed to do till 1am then sleep .
All the way till friday ! Went to school for 30mins, & left ~ I was late for lesson ~
Headed back home, pack things and headed to Grandma house ! 4pm, went to Pasir Ris !
Wanted to book in the chalet, BUT the person in-charge is giving us problem, shit :/
Saying that we couldnt book in, cause 7th aunt wasnt around . Till 6pm then book in !
Bought cups noodles for 1st night, how poor thing ! Only me, korkor & Angela overnight ~
Saturday around afternoon Grandma they all came ! They come together with food :/
Anyway, was playing around with baby cousin ! They are so cute pleasee, laughs ~
Took photos too ! Wont upload here, too slow I think :/ At FB, I will upload :DD
Bbq, blablabla ~ 2nd night smthg bad happen ! Not to mention, was playing cards :/
I was the 1st to sleep actually ! Too tired I guess ? Sunday morning, Mcd breakfast :D
Thanks to 5th aunt ! Anyway, went to escapeeeeee ~ With Korkor, Didi, BN, SF & Alaric !
Nthg much in escapeee, quite alot of machines was down down downnnn ! Waste timee :/
But still quite fun, laughs ~ Headed back to chalet around 5 plus ? Hungry hungry ~
After that walk around E-hub with Alaric, SF & Boyfriend ~ Playing arcade, chatting around .
And, bought 11.20pm ticket for 2012 ! Back to chalet, rot ~ Playing cards again :/
2012, this movie was niceeeee ~ Watch till 2am, the show is seriously long long long !
Back home knock out ! Seriously tireddd ~ And today, skipped lesson for whole day :/
Bad headaches and sore throat ! And I finally got the time to post my rotten blog, how great ~
Tmr 6am gotta leave to msia ~ Im a bad girl, skipped lesson just to go genting play !
I will be back with lots and lots of photos ! Cause I didnt bring money there ~ Poor me ahh :/
Done with my blog, sorry no photos ~ Please go my FB and see if you're interested :D
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! &, I miss XGBFF so muchh ~ LONG TIME NO MEET :/

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