Friday, November 06, 2009

dye hair


Helloooos ! Im in a good mood :DD Ytd ! Schooling was alrights, nthg much I guess ?
Still as usual, laughing in class & playing around in school . I prefer schooling ^^
Okay, yesterday after school headed to Tamp with Von & Ervin ~ Waited for Didi to come, rot !
All the way till 6plus ! Mommy & Dad came, went to M1 & get my phonee ! Happy :/
After that went to Grandma house for dinner, headed back home after that ~ Nthg much ?
Fiddling with my phone, and sleep around 1am I guess ? Wake up around 7am, tired man :/
Meet XGBFF & headed to school ! She helped me dye hair, & her friend help Didi dye his (:
All the way till 11 plus ? Ate lunch and headed back home with Didi ~ Colour was nicee !
Stayed at home till now, cause Im having a bad stomach cramp ! Angela is coming tonight, great ^^
Okay, now waiting for her to come & go eat dinner ~ Omg, Im so hungry alrdy !
Busy making themes for my phones & putting songs ! I love my phoneeee, hahahaha :/
Tmr gotta go 小姑's chalet ! And sunday might be going out with Junlong they all ? Laughs ^^

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