Saturday, October 03, 2009

I understand..

Back from one boring day of mine ! Well, today sleep till around 12pm ? At least my sleeping time should be balanced now ? Laughs . But, still dont really feel like eating ~ Went to downstair with Mommy, bought only Longan Ice . Really dont feel like eating anything ! Anyway, went to Shop & Save ~ Mommy didnt buy much things, cause didi wasnt there to help her take :x Back home, used the computer for the whole day ! Suppose to acc him to cut hair, but something cropped up ~ So I stayed home... Well, tmr gonna meet Yvonne & Ervin ! Long time nvr meet them ~ Gonna go catch a movie I guess ? Laughs, think it's gonna be fun :D Okay, im too bored at home . Watching those taiwan drama that I've watched before, I totally forgotten what's the ending like althought I've watched before ! Laughs . Ohmygod, I want my time table to be out as soon as possible man ! But im sure it's not gonna be a good one, cause having lesson on friday is already spoiling mood ~ Laughs, this is the disadvantage of having a good time table previously ! Sweet then sour, hope it's not ~ Alrights, Im done with blogging ! Sleep, I hope I'll be able to then ~ Laughs .

( ............................. )

你知不道, 我有多爱你...

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