Monday, October 12, 2009

Start afresh ?

Im back from the tiring day of mine ! Well, let me start from yesterday ~ Me, Yvonne & Ervin went to Henderson wave ! Laughs, we three are seriously idiot ~ We almost lost our way, & miss stops ! Still, we manage to climb up the long long stairs & reach our destinations ~ Nthg much actually ? Quite alot people, mostly were mid-age people ! Not much teenagers I guess ? Marina Barrage is better I guess ~ Laughs ! Okay, was chatting bout many things . Have you guys heard bout the dooms-day ? I think it's 2012, 20th december ! Well, this topic is really awwwwhs ~ Thinking back, are we really gonna dies ar 2012 ? I think all of us will be dying with lots and lots of regrets ~ Hope this is not true ! There's still alot alot of things I haven done man ~ Laughs, and this topic made us realise what we have done since we were born ! Blablabla ~ Headed back to Vivo for dinner after that ! Then went home earlier, cause there's a 8am lesson today ~ Well, ther isnt much people around ! I was late abit, but Ervin was worst ~ Totally ran 3 rounds and went to cafe 2 for drinks already ! Headed back to gather, the class was dismissed ~ Laughs, had 1 hour breaks ! Then WLD, it's thomas teaching us ~ Nthg much, some intro bout the course & of cause gotta pay for the labsheets all those ! But wasnt paying much attentions, was busy chatting & laughing away with the guys ~ Today both Kahyi & Yvonne didnt come, so Im the only girl in that big big group of ours ! Anyway, break for 1 hour again -.- Cafe 2 this time round, they tried the new stall ! Shall try next time, all of them said not bad ~ Anyway, went for PM1 lesson ! Was quite fun, laughing & laughing ~ So damn funny, Jimson did smthg so innocent & he's choosen to help the class buy books ! So damn poor thing, and it's so damn funny man ~ Anyway, This MrSingh said Im the roses amongs the thorns ! And ya, the guys are the thorns -.- Laughs, then Rooney's lesson ! Again, was slacking away & playing computer ~ This term, he's gonna teach us WNF ! Seems to be interesting ? Laugh, I think it's gonna be fun man ~ And yea, dismiss early once again ! Back home, and it's so damn tiring pleaseeee ~ Monday's lesson gonna be so tiring everyone week from now on, how boring it is ! Im gonna have Monday blues every monday now ~ How sad ! Laughs, tmr 8am lesson again ~ I enjoyed school life, seriously . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

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