Sunday, August 09, 2009

Happy National Day !


Well, on Sat evening went to temple ! Ohmygodness, dont knw I went ther so early for what ~ Im alone mannn ! Sit at dad's car, looking like a idiot mann ~ Anyway, waited for my cousin to come and then ate some food at the temple there . After that, Cousin fetch us to her house ! Ohmygod, her car is damn nice mannn ~ At the same time, windyyy :DD Look at the photos, you'll know how big is the wind liaoo ! Hahahas, changed clothes and make up at her house . Ohmygod, her dog is damn tee-kohh manns xD ! Anyway, headed to powerhouse around 1am ?


Okay, something ridiculous happen ! The bouncer there, doesnt allows me in . Even with my IC, what nonsense mann ~ Must I bring my birth cert along the next time then !? Totally, nonsense ~ Went to Boiler then ! Hahahah, I got in -.- Super stupid man that bouncerr ! Anyway, there's really alot people there mann ~ Damn squeezy ? And, it's kinda hard to move around too ~ And, nthg much happen bahh ? Cause didnt dance much, no place to dancee ! Well, outside the powerhouse ther's some special service going on . Seems so cool ~ They will drive you home if you drink too much ! And yahh, my cousin got that service too . And, along the way was sleeping in the car xD ! SF come to my house, hahaha :DD And, chatted awhile before sleeping ? Well, it's always the same topic huh ! Today, cycling session was cancelled as quite a few number of people didnt appear ! So, left me, Baby & Didi only ! Took bus to Bedok Interchange and ate lunch there . Then, bus back home ! Last minute decision, they wanted to go swimming ~ So yahh, headed to Baby's house and they swimm ~ Together with Gerald too ! Me, sitting at one side doing my sudoku xD Hahahas, till 8 plus walk to East Point and eat Niwa Sushi again :DD Quite nice, cause hungry already ! After that, took bus back home ~ Baby & Gerald send us home, thanks mannn :DD Now, home alone ! Cause didi went to find mommy ~ And, Im so tired mann ! Told Baby I'll sleep at 12am, but I didnt ~ Hahas, now going offline liaoo ~ So, today wont be talking on the phone with Baby liaooo ! Tmr maybe ? Ohya, tmr maybe going watch moviee ? If mommy not bringing me out, I'll be going out with Baby :DD Byeeeeeee !

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