Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Okay, It's Alrights !

Ytd acc this 2 guys to Jim's house for swimming ~ I was told to bring extra clothings ! Yahs, and they make me so drenched :x Well, was quite fun ? Relax and quite cooling ! Fineee, and after that went to 201 for prata with Gerald & Guoen ! Damn nice, cause im hungy ~ Today woke up around 12 plus ? Hahah, and now im at home !

Recently im fiddling with my piano, cause I got nthg better to do ! I have been missing 1 week lesson, miss going back to school ~ And yes, tmr im going back to school ! Hahahs, that day I discovered that my cough med had ants -.- So I poured everything away ~ No more cough med, but my cough is still on ! No choice, but tmr im going back school to eat Black Pepper Salmon ~ Im missing it so much :D

Well, I might be heading to Ikea later on ? MrGerald.T is currently at my house, snatching my piano with me ! Hurhur ~ Off to hang clothes and better leave the house ! If not, im gonna rot soon :x And didi is giving attitude already ! Mommy will be back from overseas tonight ~ Good or bad ? Hahaha, anyway ~ Byeeeeeeeeee !


Oh, by the way ! Should I cut hair ?

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