Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jogging ^^

Hey im back posting again ^^ Ytd went joggin with cousins ! Hahas . More of photo taking again >.< Well, meet fen @ bus 28 and zhong cycle to bedok reservoir ! Reach ther, while waiting for Limhwee, took photos ! Hahas ~ And Butter came along too ! Hahas, he's so cute mans . Althought Im kinda scare of him, but he keep lick my leg and I kinda numb already ? Hahas . Started to jog awhile, but keep stop and walk ~ Partly is to wait, and bla bla bla ! Hahas . 
Okays, and it's kinda funny for us to take photos with Butter . Cause he doesnt look at the camera ! And when he look, we dont look >.< ! Hahas, but well, got a few shot of him only ~ He's so cute while playing the slide ! Hahas . Poor Limhwee, gotta carry him when he's so lazy to walk already ! Well, around 7 plus headed back to Limhwee house ~ Butter was damn tired I suppose ? Cause he really run alot ~ Reach his house and he was damn quiet, so guai ! ^^ 
After that, went to 802 for dinner ! Everyone was hungry after the hours of exercising ? We complete one round of Bedok reservoir ~ Althought not running in the whole process, we tried our best le bahs >.< ! Okayokay, around 8 plus bus back home ~ Get scolding for smthg which is none of my business, hack it then ! Went to bath and it was really damn damn shiok mans ~ Hahas, around 10 plus bus to SF house ^^ Stayed over at her house last night ! Hmmm, and I sleep around 7am this morning ~ Damn tired please ! Cause was watching 18JBJ ~ Jus finished the whole drama series, hahas ! Ending was not bad lahs ~ All endings are happy ending in dramas, not real life ? 
Now Im at SF house while they went for swimming ! Hahas, seriously I dont see any reason why should I follow them when I dont even know how to swim ~ Hmmm, maybe after i learn swimming in school I'll love swimming lohs >.< ! Hahas, next monday Im gonna go cycle with Mommy & Didi again ^^ Cousins coming along too I think ! This time round, cycle to Pasir Ris ~ Hope I'll slim down soon soon soon ! Already 4 days no fast food liaos, hahaha ^^ And, I want a boyfriend :x Just having the urge ahs ~ BUT, most importantly I must have feelings for him, via versa of cause ! Hmmm, talking nonsense again me ~~ Bye, I go bath liaos ^^ Tonight, home sweet home ! 

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