Thursday, June 11, 2009

Holiday starts !

Hellos, Im back again ^^ Posted ytd photo ! Hahas, not much photos cause they are not my photo taking partner ~ Anyway, today morning meet Xiuyi for school ! Like, so long nvr see till her le bahs ? Hmmm, chatted all the way till we reach school ~ Morning the test was alright ? Actually is quite easy, but some part I didnt study so I think I'll fail ?

Anyway ! After the test, thought we could leave alrdy ~ But who knws, gotta stay back and do the Online quiz -.- ! And I've completed all the chapter, from chapter 2 till 11 ^^ Plus the final exams, practice & actual . Went for lunch @ cafe 1 ! Headed to library after that, and around 2 plus I went home ~

Silly enough, I took the same bus as Xiuyi which I didnt realise !? From school all the way back home, we didnt realise :x Hahaha, acc her to Mc and ate smthg too ^^ Meet Ger & GuoEn, both of them has present to give me . Haha, GuoEn gave me a Star thingy ! And Ger, bought the Piano bag ~ Hahahas, ohmygod ohmygod ! Super nice nice nice ^^ THANKS !

Haha, headed back home and didnt get a chance to use computer ~ So, headed to sleep ! Hahas, damn tired and sleepy actually ~ Nap all the way till 7 plus I think ? Damn shiok ~ Wake up cause my mother called me ! Anyway, bath was damn shiok ~ And right after I bath, my mother came back ^^ Haha, time for dinner ! Hmmm, ate dinner and here I am using computer ~

TMR ! I gotta go back to school siahs ~ Have to go back to do the Online Final Exams ! Damn, 9.30am siahs ~ Cause I fail, so have to re-do ! Aiyahs, knew it lahs . Hahaha, and heard that I gotta do till I pass ? Hack it man, think gotta work after that ? Okay done with today blog ~ Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^ By the way, morning I saw this !

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