Monday, June 22, 2009

Exercise .

Ms.Foo is back to post again ^^ Hahas ! Today didnt rot at home, headed out to cycle with Mommy & Didi again . Well, this time round we headed to Pasir Ris ! Hmm, wake up around 10 plus ? Damn tired, but couldnt get to sleep ~ So nvm, did notes for the whole morning . Till 1 plus, went downstair and takeaway food back home to eat ! Well, mommy gave attitudes ~ Hack it lahs -.- Ate carrot cake, damn nice please ^^ Cause Im hungry lahs . Then back to doing notes again ~

Around 4 plus prepared and headed off to Pasir Ris ! Hahahas, damn cool ~ And the wind super windy . Shiok ! Most importantly is, no sun ^^ Hahas . Okay, reach Pasir Ris Park around 5 ? Sit and slack around ~ Then cycled till around 6 ? Cycle back to 400 plus and meet daddy for dinner ^^ Ate chicken rice and it's super full . Alright lah, not so nice :x Cycled back home then, while daddy drives ~ Hahas, super hot please ! Went to bath and it's damn shiok please >.<

Okay, tmr gonna go Giant see see about the class bbq ! Okay, I make a big big mistake alright >.< I booked the BYOP pit, knw what that ? Bring Your Own Pit (BYOP) ! Silly enough ? Hahas, I really did that and Im thinking of how am I gonna bbq w/out a pit !? Well, it's a big question mark in my brain now :x Okay, i admit im a big big sotong man2 ! Hahas, tmr gonna crack my brain with MrJim at the Giant ~ Together with my didi too ^^ Okay done liaos, byeeeeeeeeee !

PS : Im too hot, that's why I wrap the towel lik this >.< !
Sotong ball for you ? Hahaha ~ Didi says so !

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