Friday, May 29, 2009

Smile when I still can....

Hellos ! Sorry for not posting for 3 days ~ Hahas, wednesday lesson was totally sian-ed ! Whole day of NWT lesson, going mad ~ Learnt about the router thingy, and uses Packet Tracer to practise ! Alright lahs, quite fun if understand . If dont understand, like really hate the lesson >.< But at least I understand . Hahahs ~  Okay, and S&W had swimming test ! I didnt attend, due to woman probs :x

Well, teacher is being unreasonable lahs ! I told her my problems, and she say no choice . I still have to wear the swimming suit and go down the water . I was lik, but I didnt bring the swimming suit . She say, then too bad your attandence will not be marked -.- Totally like shit siahs, imagine she has the same problem as me and I ask her go swimming >.< ! Lalalas, was laughing at those ppl who took the test ! Anyway, headed to Cafe 1 for dinner after they swim finish ~ Then back home !

Ytd lesson was alright lahs, NWT lesson I sat infront of teacher . Hahahs, at least I really understood everything ! Hahas, given breaks and nobody went for breaks :x So teacher continued the lesson ! Well, after his lesson was totally 'Phews' ! Hahahs, not so stress alrdy ~ Went for break, then LLA ! Hahahs, was chatting & singing >.< ! Did work, then pass up, then headed for RCT pratical test . Was alright lahs, nthg much ~ After that dinner @ Cafe 1 :D

After dinner headed to meet Xiuyi @ T1 ! Well, acc her to buy swimming suit ~ And, the 2 of us started shopping liaos >.< ! Bought 1 top, and magazine ~ And books, coloured pen ! Hahahs, spend quite alot ~ But nvm, long long time once :x Hahahs, around 9 plus go home bahs ? Hahahs ~ Okay, today morning ate Mcdonald Breakfast :DD With korkor, haha ! Last min decision, left 5mins for me to buy ~ Hahahs, heng I manage to get it >.< ! Like so long nvr eat Mcdonald's breakfast le !

Okayokay, gonna let korkor use computer now :D Hahaha, kbox tonight with FTBG ? And Robin ! Hahas ~ Beer Beer Beer >.< ! I also dont knw, see how bahs ~ Im having flu, maybe due to not enough sleep ! Now going nap awhile, since it's still early :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !

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