Friday, April 17, 2009

Weekends here !

Can I just post texts ? Laughs* Cause Im lazy to post pictures now uhs !
It's 1am alrdy ~ Okay, back to Wednesday ! 1st lesson in ITE, boring :x
CA are talking about rules all these ? Anyway, I cnt rmb lahs ! Memory got some problems :x
Okay, JiaYi as CR, Jonathan as ACR & Hilmi as Treasurer :x Spell wrong ba ?
Anyway, not impt ! Started to talk to a few guys, laughs* Everyone has their own groups of Cliques ! 
Anyway, SW released early cause no attires :x Waited for Yazi after lesson, super long ah him !
Waited for 1hours ~ Headed to TM & LongJohn for dinner ! Home around 8pm ?
Okay, I guess I seriously forget what did I do alrdy ~ Okay, I only rmb today the class was quite fun ?
The last lesson, we exchanged E-mail among the chinese guys ? Laughs*
And some phone number too ! Anyway, headed to Pizza Hut with Ger, Ken, SL & May !
I paid $34 ? Laughs* Anyway, we enjoyed uhs ~ Back home, was chatting in a "PMJ" chatroom !
Laughs* Around 10 ppl in a conver chatting ! And exchanged number with more ppl agains :x
Today Principal talk was really a bored bored one ! Morning meet Jimson & Co, Im late sia :x
Anyway, all 6 of us was late for the talk . Gotta had our landyard on, zZz ~~
And the principal Eng lik, broken alright ! Was talking to Deston about Principal's angmo, lousy sia !
Worst then mine :x Okayokay, after the talk went to But the labsheets, $17.20 ? Haha !
Headed to Basketball court with the guys, see them play ~ And me, as a score board :x
Help them to rmb th score ! Anyway, bought drinks and went to eat at Cafe 1 after their match ~
Meet Evon, May & Ger too ! Around 1pm left the guys and acc May for her CCA thing,
I still dont have a CCA sia ! zZz ~ Okay, headed to Inter with her too ! Then prepared myself,
meet Evon & Ger plus SL ~ Went to Bugis, meet Adrian 1st ~ Went searching for my Piano bag,
dont have :( Only can see ppl take, but not me buying it ! Hurhur ~ KFC for early dinner ! 
And went to S'pore Flyers to ask the price ~ So, next week we gotta go ! Hahah, Im excited cans :x
Laughs* Okay, headed back home and now Im still online chatting ! With ? Classmates ~ 
All MIA sia :x Laughs* Anyway, think PM0904J will be a fun class uhs ?
Althought I think that it's not so united :x But this is just the beginning ahs :x Hors ? Laughs*
Tmr gotta be GUAI BAO BAO ! Stay at home :x Off to sleeeep ! BYEEEEEEEEE !

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