Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mommy, why ?

Okays ! Somebody is blaming on me posting too slow :x Hors PTBF ! I'll try to speed up uhs :x Laughs* Alright, Im not a good girl today either :x Went out around 2pm ? Suppose to meet 1.30pm, but everyone was late ~ Haha ! Well, met May, SL & Leonard then MRT to outram ~ Met Adrian on train and MRT to Boonlay !

Jurong point, divided to 1 & 2 :x Hahah ! Went to Tori for lunch, only me & may ate :x Foodcourt for the guys to settle their lunch ! Met Gerald too ~ Went to shopping after that ! Haha, Im suppose to be window shopping :x BUT, I spended $60 today ~ Bags, shades & help Mommy print photos ! Lalala, but I got my Bodyguards to help me take things :x

Not much photos today ? Walking around, bought donut ! Laughs* Was eating in the middle of some shops :x Okayokay, then around 8pm MRT back to Tampines . Finally, everyone is so tired please ! Earpiece on and everyone almost sleep :x Tampines foodcourt for dinner ! Then headed home ~ Bodyguard send me home once again, thanks :DD

Back home bath & use the com . Mommy came back and nag lik free, wth :x Totally, nonsense cans !? I helped her to print photos, with a photo albums too ! And she came back nagging like a crazy woman -.- ! Gonna hack her ? No matter what I do that tried to pleased her, she wont be contended ~ So be it then, I've tried :( Im tired alrdy !

Okay la ! Im done with my posting :DDD Monday is a good day for me ! Cause I'll be starting sch at 2pm ! Meeting Jimson they all for lunch ? Haha, and the class are planning Kbox On friday ? Im so busy when it reaches Weekends ! Haha ~ Alright, off to sleep le ! Night people :DDD Byeeeeeee !

*Secret alright :D

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