Thursday, March 12, 2009

( I didnt went to Sakae Sushi today :x )

Im back already, hahaha ! Today didnt work uhs ~ Well, woken up by XGBFF's phone call ! lucky she call me, if not i'll be late for her exams :x Haha, prepared myself and rush out home :x Cause im abit out of time ! 12.40pm, Im still at Tampines interchange -.- Cab thr instead, haha ~ Meet XGBFF and she prepared for her exams . Washed and blowed my hair ~ Well, hope I wont make her fail her exams ! Hahah . Okay, 2.30pm ended and walking around the school . Bought sandwiches and chat awhile ? Left around 3pm, haha . Meet Juan & Adrian at Pizza hut, haha ! Since so long we never meet, sure alot to catch up with uhs ! Hahaha ~ Anyway, they treated me ! As my present, hahah :) Thanks uhs ! Really appreciate :DD After that went back to my house, sing song ! Hahaha ~ Chat awhile and they left . Hmmm, watch tv blablabla ~ Chatted on phone with GJH :x Lalala, and he's coming later ? Anyway ! Im going to sleep now ! Tmr working, but it's a friday, so it's okay uhs ~ Hahaha . Hmmm, nights !

PS : 原来,爱上一个人,是那么幸福的事?哈哈!

T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

Fen: HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY! i love you! ^^
- Thanks uhs ! Love you too <3>

SUYI .: Happy birthday huixin jiejie ! (: Enjoy ;D
- Thanks Girl (: Yup, I did enjoy !

XGBFF: Hope you like the present i gave you uhhh ! hahaha! ai ni ! <3> !
- Of cause my dear girl <3> hahaha !

Lex . LiM HwEE: Kuai Le Niao Ri.. ;x (Direct translation)
- Thanks ah -.- Hahahaha !

??: hi gorilla jiahan fantic =x slap u in the face ah =x boring neh~ find some time go out leh or open chalet )=D
- What is Fantic ? Hahah, why slap me :( Hah, you sponser ah ! We go Zoo ~

XGBFF: God! i look like how many years never sleep X: hahaha .
- Hahah, not enough sleep ? haha :x

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