Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday, woahhs !

I miss my cousins :(

Im finally back on the friday night :D Hahahaha ! Sorry for not posting uhs ~ Yesterday didnt post, cause Im lazy :x Hahah ~ Today's post will be short, cause Im going out for supper with BFGF ! Okayokay, back to thursday ~ Well, Im finally back to work, and they missed me ! Hahahaha ~ Cause with me around, I can do many things :x AND, got a new guy, name David . Totally, OHMYGOD uhs ! He's totally a replacement of Pauline uhs ~ Hahaha ! He's slow, and he doesnt reply when ppl call him or talk to him . Most importantly, Doris love to scold him, like she scold Pauline in the past ! Hahahaha ~ Okay, totally laugh ! Well, teaching Xuemei English was super fun . Althought the way she say abit weird, but it's still correct alright ! Hahaha :x And, ytd SCB went home around 8pm ? Comparing to those 2days, then went home around 10 ? And poor Doris, Cinderella uhs ! 12am then go home, haha :x But, OT sure alot uhs ~~ Anyway, today work was alright ? Nthg much, but Jean came back . Bloody Yanroo, ask her to leave from the back door . Sound as if she betrays the company, -.- ! Come on, she's trying to forbid us to talk to her uhs ~ Hurhur ! But well, she still calls me and text me :x Hahahaha . Hmmm, and today SCB is the last to leave the company uhs ~ Around 7 plus, not very late uhs ! Bought dinner and went back home, Zhong sleeping alrdy -.- Hurhur ! Anyway, nobody's home cans ~ Hmmm, bath and watch tv till 11 plus ? Then JH & korkor came home, haha . Well, was using computer and heard Zhong's cries . Hmmm, he's sick uhs ~ Well, Mommy came back and taking care of him now ! I wants to go out ley, but Mommy still haven sleep, Daddy not back yet -.- ! Hope they sleep soon, so I can sneak out :x And, tmr's outing with XGBFF not forgotten ! Hahaha ~ Currently chatting with Darren ! Well, I get to know this guy from facebook ? Hahaha, he's currently in Brunei ! Ohmy, we got to know each other for 3 days, and he left Singapore . But he's gonna come back uhs ~ Hahah, 8th Of April ? And he's vexing, about how to wish me a happy birthday ! Haha, silly (: Dont worry uhs ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3>

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