Saturday, February 14, 2009

Now I know, it changes...

Hahah, for both Thursday & Friday, went to Huisa's Chalet . Hmm, happy or sad ? I cnt describe well, cause my mood changes now . And and and, Im running out of patience nowadays, really ! They are using those professional camera, but mine is jus lik, cheap ? I feel awkard uhs, didnt even dare to bring my camera out . Hmmm, Im getting worst ! Dont knw why, maybe cause everything is changing, so do I ? Anyway, stayed overnight at the chalet till today morning . Poor James, gotta pack the things & clear up before checking out . Left the chalet with Shangfen 1st, haha ! Both of us are seriously lazy to bus home, so intended to cab . But in the end, bus home :x

Okay, today is valentine day !


I actually intended to stay at home, but that's aint my style uhs ? Haha, headed out with XGBFF & friends today ! I thought it's gonna be weird, but it isnt uhs ? Hahah, anyway ! Meet XGBFF & her friend, Lu . Headed to Tampines Stadium for RBC ! Meet her another friend too, weilun . Then eat eat eat, and i broke record :x I only ate 3 plate ! Haha, it's not normal me ~ Anyway ! Headed to town and walk around ~ It's not really weird, cause they quite friendly ? Walking on the streets, see alot of couple around . Girls with roses on their hand, OHMYGOD . Totally, envy !

Blablabla ~ Slack around Heeren & headed home with XGBFF, with bus 518 ! Chatting with XGBFF, about alot . Her, him, and even them . Anyway, time really will shows everything uhs ? It's seriously true, zZz ! Anyway, no time for those nonsense . Times gonna fly and me, gonna start school . And most imptly, new friends ! Hahah ~ 1more hour, and valentine day gonna be over ! Hahaha, sound so evil :x

And And And ! Both 5th aunt & 7th aunt will help me book chalet on my birthday ! HAHAHA . Im so happy, cause the previous post spoil my mood . I thought I couldnt celebrate my 18 birthday ~ Cause mommy dont want me to . I didnt know that someone is so guilty, thinking that im saying her, zZz ! Wah, seriously ah .

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