Monday, February 09, 2009

It's time to let go, my dear ?

Hahahah, Im back back back ! Sunday went to 7th Aunt house ~ Quite bored actually . Till SBB & LH came, haha . Chit-Chatting about our FirstLove, & Of cause 1st Kiss :x Hahah, SBB's is boring, zZz ! LH's still not bad ~ Hahah, I love chatting with them ! Super fun & interesting, I love them :DDD Okayokay !
 Played BlackJack with Uncle & Of cause Cousins ~ Ohmygod please, I got straights 7 ! But only pay like normal, zZzZzZz ~ Anyway, & I got 2Ace, & Of cause Blackjack ~ Huisa's BF more lucky ! He started playing with 90cents, and end with $9 ! Hahaha, heng right ~ Well, headed home around 10 plus ? 6th Unlce brought us home, thanks :DDD
Anyway, today ! Work was alright ? Keyed account for the whole day, zZzZz ! And, lunch alone today ~ Cause Jean not feeling well, due to (....) ! Hahaha :x Ate mac, then stomach pain :( But work ended early ~ Hahah, cabb together with Lucy & Xuemei, thanks ah !
Meet Yazi, haha . Chat with him, and he scolded me, due to some reason :x Anyway, I wont repeat le la ! Supid duck, make me cry :x Lalalala ! Slack with them till 12am I think ? Chatting with YongTeck too, hahaha ~ We shall find one day and meet up uhs ! Jus lik before :DD And cabbed home alone ~~

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