Friday, February 27, 2009


Hello ! Me, huixin is back to post again ~ Hahah, my blog is not dead right ? Cause I everyday post blog ma ! Hahaha ~ Im not lazy ? I think I got nthg to do at home ~ Thanks to those ppl who's putting cheques into Standard Chartered Bank, we got nthg to do ! So, working time become shorter and shorter ! And, we get to go home very the early uhs . And hors, lesser OT ! Hurhur ~ But this shall be ending I think ? Cause today quite late ? I mean later then normal timing uhs . Okay, shall stop my rubbish and nonsense ~~
Hahaha, back to main point . Today work was lik, hmmmmm... Not much, not little ! Well, Lunch with Lucy @ Shin Toyko Sushi, again ! Hahaha . And actually with guowei ~ But with Lucy date, I reject him :x He went to lunch with Regina, haha ! Okay, super full ~ And hors ! My shoe spoil ~~ Which I only wore for 2 days !? Bloody hell, $10 cheap cheap ma ~ Okayokay, so went to DMK and bought one more shoe, again uhs ! Hurhur ~ $16.90 gone !
Lalala, back to work, sat beside Doris . She's mad uhs, hahaha . Keep laughing to herself ~ So me and Shirley keep disturb her, hahaha ~ SiaoZhaBo ! And we got new ppl, a guy, david ~ Poor Lina, gotta teach him ! And he's eyes is rolling here and thr, but not looking at you at all -.- Hahaha, rolling towards Lina's (......) ! Hahaha, okay, rubbish ~ Lalala, work ended around 8 plus ? Meet JH @ Interchange and bought my ice cream phoneee ! Hahahaha, Im loving it pleaseee ~ And hors, it's exactly the same as XGBFF <3> ! Same colour same design same model same brand ~ Hahahaha !
Okay, then headed to 445 for dinner ~ Meet Long, Nelson, Peanut & Friend . Eat eat joke joke, hahaha . It's been a long time since we chatted and joke around uhs ? And, where is Yazi uhs !? It's like soso long since I see him uhs ? Shall meet him soon ~~ Okay, bus home then ~ Now using computer ! And, Im loading those photos & songs to my phone ~ Well, and I gotta think of how should I tell Mommy :x Hahahaha !
 Okayokay, tmr morning Mac Breakfast with Mommy ! I treat her, zZz ~ Im seriuosly broke now, hais ! But how to tell her, zZZ ~ Gotta wait till korkor take pay then he pay me back ~ Hurhur ! Tmr's outing with BFGF not forgotten too ~ Hahaha, back with photos, I promise :D Byeeeeeee <3>

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