Tuesday, January 20, 2009


HELLO ! Im back to post alrdy ~ Ohmygod, weather is getting worst . Shines very hot, blwo cold winds, zZz ! Do take care everyone, dont get sick ~ Im sick btw :x Hahaha ! Yesterday work will 10.30pm I think ? zZz, kinda xinku I swear ~ Cause Im havng bad flu uhs ! And still gotta sneeze sneeze, super sick ~ After work meet Baby, hahaha ~ How thoughtful Of him to buy Panadol for me, upon knowing that Im haveing bad flu ~ Thanks Baby ! And he send me home, haha ~

Yup, didnt went to work today, zZz ! Cause had stomach pain early in the morning, super pain ~ Around 10 plus headed to see doctor, hurhur ! The doctor say Im having common flu, zZz ~ Total $25 ! Which I only have $20 cash, zZz ! Went to withdraw money then back to the clinic, ohmygod ah ! The door is locked when Im back, zZz ~ So waited for somebody to come and open door, dumb ! And they suspect my money is fake, come on la ! Well, Im abit scare also :x Bought lunch and gave the aunty the $10, which seems abit faded :x

Anyway, watching Hot Shot while eating ! Lalalal, mommy called and said that she's coming back ! Hahaha ~ There she came, asking me this and that :x But she helped me take water for medicine ! Haha ~ I swear, the med is so bitter :( I hate med, but no choice uhs ~~ Blablabla ! All the way till now, supposely wanted to change skins, but kinda lazy . Cause Im dozing soon ! Tonight gonna go but new year stuff, hahahaha ! I've complete my shopping for clothing, you ?

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