Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year :DDD

. Meet min for breakfast !
. Wore black for work :D
. Everyone in work does so !
. Chiong work till 1.30pm ~
. Without breal at all :(
. Ate together with Jean & Xuemei !
. Buffet provided by company :)
. Finish work at 4pm :DDDD
. Headed home and rest ~
. Flu aint getting better !
. And woman problems, zZz !
. Back home rest and bath ~
. Watch 不良笑花 again :D
. Headed to Damien house :x
. Kena pangseh :(
. Leave his hse, headed to 201 !
. Meet XGBFF & family :)
. Walk PasaMalam back to her hse .
. Ate Tealeave Egg :D
. Watch 霹雳 MIT @ XGBFF hse :D
. Ordered Canadian Pizza !
. Countdown for 2009 :DD
. Msg everyone, of cause Bibi too :D
. Continue watching 霹雳 MIT !
. Till 2am then lights-off :D
. Chat with XGBFFF till 4am :x
. And stayed overnight at her house !
. Wake up around 11pm :x
. Bath and went down for breakfast .
. Or rather Lunch I think !
. Headed home after that :DD
. Now home watching 不良笑花 !
. Super nice I swear :D
. Later going 6th Aunt hse ~
. Steamboat & Happy New Year :D
. WELCOME 2009 !

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