Saturday, November 08, 2008


Hellos ! Im back from shopping today :DD Hahah ! Anyway, ytd night went to meet aunt they all . Look kinda like a gathering uhs ? Hahah ! Anyway, celebrated a advance birthday for my aunt ! Happy Birhday :D 8pm at ther, nothing to do -.- Decided to go elsewher ! Carmen went TM will Joel they all, while I went elsewhere :x Haha, ah hai ah me ! Blabla, back to201 around 10 plus I think ? Then waited for mommy to come, ohmyy ! Kinda late alrdy, everyone waiting for them :x Then went to meet Simin, blabla ~ Together with auggy too . Finally, I went to RC ! But I swear, it shall be my last time . Cause Im not welcomed there, hor ? Home around 4am ~

Hahahas, wake up around 12plus :x Called mommy and ask her to bring me go shopping for my jobbb ! Hahah, meet her at Interchange . Both bro went along too, laughs* Went to eat baked rice, again ! But it's nice pleaseeeeee :DD Blablabla ! Bought 2 tops, but no bottom :( Try again tmr ! Hahah ~ Bought 2 tees too :x 1 from Levis, another 1 is from Mango :DD !

Tmr going shopping with Simin, maybe auggy toooo ! Laughs* Well, nothing much to post actually ! Back home around 5plus ? Then went to take a nap, damn tiired uhs ! Hahah, anyway ~~ Daddy will be appearing in a "concert" on next few weeks ! Haha, he's putting in alot of effort uhs ! Jiayou :DDDD

Blablabla ! Today, wherever I go it seems lik very crowded uhs ? Haha, ohhmyys ! Tada, heres the picture I took, cause Im bored ! & Christmas is reaching :DD ! Hahahah, I loveee christmas ! I would prefer to celebrate christmas then my own birthday ! Cause nobody will forget christmas, yea ? Hahaha, byeeeeeeeeeee :D

Carmen: Yupyup ! Planning in progress ~~ Hahah !
geovanni: You are ? You know elano ?
elano: Where ? Hahah :x

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