Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Hohohos, good morning :DDD No exams today, pretty shiok ahs ! Meet Simin to collect passport today ! Hurhur ~ Finally I can collect my Passport ! Well, MRT to lavender & went in to take queue number ! Ohhmyy, my number is 3020 while it's only 2920 -.- 100 people ! Went to take our lunch while waiting :DDD

Was walking to the opposite of the ICA building, then got 2guys came ahead of us . "Erm, would you like to help us uy a pen? It's for the charity, please help us (: It's only $2 for a pen !" well, both of us thought of buy one pen only actually ! And here's the interesting part ! We gave them $10, & they say : Why not you 2 buy 5pen from us ? I was lik, wthhelllsss =.= Quickly told him we had no money :x Hahah ! Then we bought 1 each, but hors ! The pen suddenly cost us $2.50 -.- They say they no change, then give them $1 tips =.= wthhellss laaa !

Collected my passport, and we are still kinda blur :x Still wondering, why didnt we reject them in the first place ! Hurhur, still thinking back . If auggy is here, this kinda things wont happen laaa ! Blabla, so stupid of us :x Well ! Meet auggy at Tampines, then went to Popular . Hahah, told auggy & he was lik. Reject them la ! ah-hai leys you all :x Hahah, anyway !

Went seperates way after that . I went to Grandmahouse . blablabla ! Ate grandma's food, damn damn nice ! Hahah, till 7 plus, daddy come fetch us home :DDDD ! No supper meeting today, due to some reason ! Sighs* Auggy & Simin, we gotta JIAYOU alright ! No matter is what issue, we mus be strong :DDD Jiayou !

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