Thursday, November 06, 2008


Heys heys heys ! Laughs* Im here to post (: Wake up around 11 plus, wthhelllss -.- Mommy didnt give me money !? Sighs* Gotta rot at home whole day then ! And Im seriously broke -.- left coins only ! Hurhur ~ Anyway, Mommy didnt work actually :x Zhong called me and ask me whether I wan breakfast :DD Of cause ! Pork miced noodles :DD ! Anyway, ate only halr :x Couldnt finish ahhs !

Well, stoned at home for the whole day ahh ! Ohhmyygood :x I wan work pleaseeeeee ! Simin had been shortlisted alrdy ! For the BCS bank :( So I'll be working alone for the One-day OCBC work ! Hurhur, faster confirm me leys :x Laughs* Anyway, tmr gonna pei her to dobbyghaut, once again ! Ohhmyygood, third time Im going thr :x Hope wont have 4th time hurs !

Anyway ! Didnt get to save up any money at all :( Cause I was not even given money for the day ! Mommy cooks dinner tonight ~ And, I did help out alright :DDD ! The veggie taste super nice tonight, knw why ? Cause Im the chef :x Hahahaha ! Anyway, tried to sneak out around 11 plus, but Mommy & Daddy seems so energetic pleaseeee ! And Mommy is still making jelly -.- Ohmyygod ah, is she mad :x It's alrdy midnight laaa !

They went to sleep around 12am :x Hahah, sorry Simin ! She waited for me around 1hour at my house downstair ! Duibuqi :( Anyway, went to 7-eleven for supper ! Hahah, stupid auggy :x He said he will be here, but we call him many times he didnt pick up -.- Confirm he sleeping laaaa ! Missed call him alot alot of times, but still didnt answer :( Auggy bluff us ! Hurhur, was slacking under my blog till almost 3am ba ? My leg look tasty towards the mosquito :x Well, off to sleep now :DDDD ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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