Friday, October 03, 2008


A bigbig apologies to everyone alrights ? For not postiing :x
Was quite busy for the past few days, busy studying laaa ~~
Tues went to East Coast Park for dinner, with Xingan's family !
I mean her real parents, junkiat & shawn they all blablabla..
Had fun and took pictures too ! Lazy to upload ahh, laughs*

13 more days to olvl mann ! Siiann laaaa ~ Gotta chiong le !
Keep doing physics past year paper, and ii've improvedd (:
Used to flip notes for almost every question, but now, no more !
Understand and did it all myself ! Althought nt all correct,
but at least ii did myself and ii improvedd ! Hahaha, great Huixin (:

Laughs* Own blogshop $40 plus :x Hahah ! Gonna save up now ~
No more spending till ii pay all th debts :x But ii wan more shirt :(
Trying to look for sprees available for guys, so that Baby can buy !
Hahah, peoples, any lobang tagg ma alrights ! Hahah, ii love shopping :x
Especially online alright ! Cause iim jus sitting infront of com, dats all ~
No need to walk around like idiot :x (no offence ah!) At least nt tired ~

Once again, today iis friday ! Hahahah, going for lunc with Xingan now (:
Then study till evening, then go RC meet ths rest for study again, haha !
Having mac for dinner with Simin, Mac delivery ! Hahaha :x LAME -.-

Gotta go off now, byeeeeeeeee ! Might not be updating ? See how baa .
Exams are coming and ii have no time ahh ! And iim lazy too :x Byee !

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