Friday, August 08, 2008

Sorry for late late post :x Hah ! Cnt get to sleep now, fcuk please ~~
Ytd Baby came, and peii me till 12am (: Hah, cause raining heavily !
Yupps, Baby came and was suppose to go off early, but they leaving alrdy..
Laughs* Yea, so baby intented to go home around 1o ii think? Hah ~

Rain keep him till 11pm, and his show started ! All the way till 12am !
Yeayea, so Baby went home by bus ii think ? Cause bus serviice still avaiilable ~
So ii fall asleep when he iis on his way home ! Hah, standard na, hor Baby :x
Couldnt get to sleep, 2am wake up till 4am ~ Wtf please ! Tired cnt sleep -.-
Jus like now ! Hmmm, then morniing 9am jiu wake up le ~ Nt enuff sleep !
Watch show all th way till afternoon, lunch wiith Zhong, cause nobody else ~

Baby said want to come from 12pm, till 6pm then he came -.- It's Okay laaaa !
Then Mom suggested Bedok for dinner ~ Great ! Reach thr and ordered food ~
Ate cockles ! Hahahaha ~ Best food ii had, ever siince iim hafiing th throat probs :x
Blablabla ~~ Then headed back home, suppose to watch Money No Enough 2 derr !
But no ticket -.- Got, but iis A row ! Which haf to head super up to watch der, no way ~

Yea, so planned to watch tmr ~ Together wiithh Baby ! Then nth else alrdy, hah :x
Baby iis sleeping so soundly now :( Couldnt wake hiim up ! He iis snoriing, Opps xP ~
I haf to try to sleep now ! If not tmr morniing Baby gonna make me wake up very early !
Byeeeeeeeeeeee ! People around me are gettiing lesser, andd lesser ~ Dont you realise?

Happy Olympics (:
8thAugust'2008 !

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