Monday, July 21, 2008

No pictures yet ! Hah ~~ Today iis a really really Great day !
Student Learning Festival CUM Char's 1 month Anii, Congrats (:

Morniing meet Mad @ Mama shop, then voiid-deck ! Hah, jiieeet ~
Today iis a Great day ! Everyone iis super super hiigh, ii thiink :x
Hah, openiing for SLF ! Then the planes competition, 502 won, Laughs*

Next iis the Olympiic Trail, nothing much actually ! Hah, jus stolling around.
Activity was kiinda bored lah, cause iis lik not iinterestiing ! Hah ~~
Then to hall, 1st iis to piick up marble from soupy water, wiith chopstick !
501 & 502 diid well pls ! Laughs* then next round, five stones, 502 1st ~~
Then chess, last round was puzzle ! Hah, 502 1st, then followed by 501 (:

But 502 was diisqualified, cause theiir puzzle was gone missiing ! Ohhmyys ~
So 501 won ! Hohohoh ~ Fiinally 501 won smth (: Hah. 501 rocks pls ~
Haf breaks for lik super long, all th way till 11pm ~ Wemt to field for Blazing Trail !

501 diid super well pls ! All were together & we won the race ! Hah, love 501 (:
So we get to throw MsShanta iinto the water, 1 shot & ther goes Shanta iin water !
Hah ~ Super fun pls ! & next we get to throw again, diidnt get, but jus pushh lah ~
501 iis really really Great ! Laughs* Took photos together with 502 ~ Become 503 !
Hah, Sec 5NA really united alriight ! Hah ~ MsShanta gonna rmb forever mans :x

Now back home ! Hah, gonna prepare myself for later outiing ! Together wiith Baby ~
Maybe with Bro too ! Lightbulb, he ownself say de ~ Hah, byeeeeeeeeeee (:

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