Sunday, July 06, 2008

More photo will be uploaded soon ! Laughs** These for th time being !
Hmms, ytd wait till 3 going to 4am ~ Baby's nt bad yet :( fall aslp ~~
Super tiiredd pls, ii swear uhs ! 8.30am, Baby finally come back, laughs*

Cnt get back to slp le :x Laughs* then as usual, chat chat chat, hah !
He seems to be enjoyiing alot duriing the bbq ytd, great uhs, laughs*
Alright ! Then peii him eat Burger, back sleeping agains, tiired pls ~
My turn to be hungry ! Went down and buy, together with Zhong ~

Back, then Mom&Dad come home bath, then went out agains, jiieet lahh !
But also nvm, casue they at home will nagnagnag :x Laughs* Blabla ~
Anyway, ate century egg porriiage ! Nicenice ~ Super full, ii swear lahs !
Trying to get some slp, cause iim really tiiredd ! But ii jus cnt get to slp :x

Around 4pm, JFYF came ! Laughs* She's gonna stay at my house tonight!
Cause tmr gonna meet th Sec5s at Tampines, 9am pls ! Early uhs ? Hah ~
Anyway, jus gonan enjoy for th very last day, tmr ! Sentosa trip, lovedd ~
Planniing from Nabeel & Co. ! All Sec5, meaning 501&502, go out play tmr !

Alright ! Done with today's post, laughs* iim hungry now, agaiin, Hah :D
They are all playiing mahjong now ! Talking to them is lik, talking to wall -.-
Watever ~~ Byeeeeeee ! Im going downstairs, but some snacks for myself !


  1. by the way it's troublesome you know need to sign in and out to comment LOL

  2. Relink~
    Take care

  3. HELLOS ! ;]
    Xingan AI NI LA!


  5. ToYuekai: Dont lazy la ! comment only ~ Be a kind soul :D
    ToNicholas: Relink soon Daddy ! Laughs*
    ToHuiyu: Relink soon kayyes ! <3
    ToJunkiiat: Relink soon, Sry ~
