Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back postiing ! Jus came back from Giiant together wiith Mom&Baby ~
Laughs* Jus gonna updateee abt today, cause iim lazy to post ytd stuff !
Hah, yea ~ MT listening iis over, super great ! Olvl MT is donedone (:

Today read Newspaper, blablabla ~ the RenciHospital got cheated some money ?
I think so, not so clear ah :x Laughs* Anywae, Vinay was nt here today !
Bloody him ! Told us to bring maths notes for mindmapiing, and he's nt here ~
Jiiieeeet ~ But great, 3 periiod wiithout hiis lesson ! Chatting & Slackiing la ~
Walkiing aroundd th schools, then go fiind duck ~ Peii him awhile then back to class .

SS was super siiann ! As usual, copy notes -.- Laughs* New format agaiin ! Siiiann ~
Then MT was discussiing abt th Olympic thiings, those 5 wawa look cute pls !
But got rumours says that they are the cause of all those bad things, lik earthquake -,-
No way man, they are so cute ! How could it be them :x Laughs* Blablabla, rubbish !

English was super bored ! Copyiing conversatiion stuff =.= Lecture as usual, sway !
His lesson is always after MT, Recess or seperate lesson ! Super sway, Laughs**
Lunch was kinda jiieet pls ! Was talking abt some iissue, jiieet ah ! No comment ~

STAR lesson was kinda fun pls ~ 501 simply rocks to the coreeee ! Laughs*
They rocks my day ! Was suppose to do projects actually, but com was down !
thks to Charmaiineeeee ! She buxiaoxin pluck out smth, then com all shut dwn ~
Laughs* well, she didnt mean it lahh ~ Was discussiing abt th LearingFestivalDay !

Got many events to join ! But me & Charmaiine join none :x Cause toooo jiieeet ah !
But think dat day should be enjoyable bahhs ? Laughs* Hopefully pls ! Jiieet ~
After STAR went to 477 for lunch ! Laughs* Borrowed money from Derek, thks !
Then took bus 28 with Madmad ~ Chattiing all th way, gossiippiing too ! Hah ~~

Reach home andd Mom was at home ! Laughs* went to bath & Mom says this,
"Girl, wan go Giant? We ownself go then hao le Papa come fetch us home, wan ?"
Hah ! Great pls ! Quickly preparedd & Cab to Giant ! Hah, together with Baby too ~
Bought this bought that, bought 2 tees, 1 FBT shorts&clothes ~ Laugh* & Sushi !

Finally finish shoppiing ! Laughs* Total amount iis around $370+, woahhs !
Spend so much iin jus Giant ! Laughs* And now back home ! With Baby (:
Cause Mom they all went for dinner, while both of us eat sushi at home, Hah ~

Now goiing off liiaoos ! Laughs* Nt feeliing very well ~ Headache pls ! Siighs*
Off to watch TV, peii Baby & wash dishes =.= Jiieeett ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

Girl, dont worry ~ Everything will be fine soon ! Althought ii might not be the one to make you smile, But iim sure ii will be ur listening ear, forever (: Cheeer up kays ? I wont leave you de la ! Smile ;D

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