Wednesday, July 02, 2008

2nd post of today, gonna post some feeling iim hafing now (: I dont noe if ii can be a gd sis/friend, but ii giif in my best ~ No matter wat happen, ii will share my trouble with you guys . I hope everyone will do dat too, isnt it ? I mean, ii understand dat ppl do haf secrets among themself. It's okay, ii didnt wanna force or wat. Im not so unreasonable ~

Jus saying b.cause iim feeling this way, Im nt trying to mean anything :D Rmb girls, no matter wat, ii will be here for you ~ Dont forget me ! You can share your problems with me, even if iim nt up to help ~ At least you feel much better after saying out ? & I'll be ur listening ear :D

Aiai, cheer up pls ! Althought ii dont really noe wat happen, but hope you wont think too much & cheer urself up ? Anything still can tell me yea ? If dont wan also nvm :D I will be here for you, no matter wat. Pls cheerr uppp ;DDD

Xingan, smile widely, truthfully ~ Nt for th sake of smile, then happy. But for the sake of happy, then smile, understand ? Im sorry if iim nt thr for you everytime, maybe cause iim busy ? But ii still hope you would share ur probs with me ! Love ~

Mama, we are jus laughing everyday ! & I really cherish you ~ Rmb, if you need someone to listen to ur probs, find me :D I will be here for you uhs ! Dont forget me, & thks for being thr for me !

JFYF, althought we didnt talk as much as last time, it's okay ~ time will heal everything yea? Hopefully ! Time with you are great ~ I will share secrets with you, and hope this will bring us closer ?

Baobei, you seems troubled sometime. Maybe you can share with us ? We will listen to you, no matter is on wat. Don hide things to urself uhs ~ Say out, you will feel better, trust me ~ Or you can write at somewhr ? Jus dont keep inside ur heart uh ? Im here for you mahs, Cheerrr :DD

Airen, you seems happy everyday ! Im jus hoping dat we wont lose contact, after 'O' or even 10yrs later ? Laughs* Jus imagine us with our child, chills ! Rmb, stay happy everyday ! Dont frown cause of anything, mus share :DD


  1. haha done reading.. should have wrote for more ppl, shouldnt u?

  2. More ppl ? Meaning who ~ You haf somebody in ur mind uhs ..

  3. have also dont tell you. haha. bleh!

  4. sorry , never tell you cause i really feeling bad today .. really sorry.. give me some times to think back everything and i have settle all my things.. i promise i will tell everyone..thnx for wanting to lend a listening ear.. really glad.. love you.. i will be fine one school if i never talk much sorry , but once i'm okay , i will be back the girl who is always crazy playing , disturbing the bina..

  5. Thanks xingan :] I'll you someday okay? until i make things clear. Thanks xingan for being there! Hui yu ai ni so much!

  6. ToAngela: Laughs* gd la, gt then dont wan tell me :( ii sad leis !
    ToBina: It's okay ~ Im fine with it (: Cheerr upppp :DDD
    ToHuiyu: Haohao, promise uhs ! Laughs*
