Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No piictures for today, dont feel lik postiing piictures ! Lols ~
Ytd Meet madmad @ Mama shop, sorry ! Let her wait so long :x
Cause iim abit late, damn tiiredd ~ 1am then slp !

Newspaper ! Nth much, super boredd ~~ Maths lesson !
Great Great, cause ii noe how to solve those problems ;DD
& out of 15 Qns, ii only ask 2 ! One frm Yang, one frm Vinay ~~
Quiite easy uhs ? Cause ii understand th questiion, & solutiions !

ChiickenWings for recess, niiceniice ! Laughhs* $2 leiis, so ex pls ~
Lesson was boredd boredd boredd, 501 are really Great !
One day wiithout 501, ii wont be able to smile, or rather Laughs ~

Had an talk from 2 guys, one name same as Nabeel's dad name !
Laughs** Then talks abt HIV -.- Jay's fav ! He ans alot of qns ~
Sit in circles, played games && was really laughing ! 501 makes my day ;DD

After sch, went to Art room ! Ohmyy, Aiai's art had been destroyed !
Damn it, who did dat, will die soon soon ! & fall bad bad ~~
wiith Tasneem's help, look much better ! But touch up need to be done ~
& Vinay's reaction, really shocking ! Seriously, he's Great ;DD
He's super angry, dont noe for wat -.- But, he is super concern !

Home, bath ! Mom was at home ~ Chat with her, shag shag shag !
She;s nt feeling well, cnt get to slp. Jieeet ! Tkcare Mom ;DD
Dinner @ home ~~ Sharkfin soup, niiceniice ;DD Super full pls !

Computer, watch show ! But iim super tiired, so fall aslp :x
8.15pm, wake up frm bro's room, walk into my room, knock out !
All th way till 6.30am ! Alarm Rings ;D Am i lik so tiired ?

Thursday, one more day to friday ! & Gonna be rest day for me !
Prepared, walk to sch as usual ! Meet mad @ mama shop agains ~
Morning was super bored ~ Almost late, walk in when gate closing !
Newspaper again -.- ohhmyy, very siian ah ! Today, bored ~

Moodless for everything ! All th way till Assembly ~ LaughOutLoud*
Super super funny, ii swear pls ! Really makes my day better ;DD
But after assembly, still th same -.- muchh better, ii think so ?
Geo, jiieet ! Nth ii can do, but jus gonna try my best for dat sub ?

After sch, had some probs ! Hmms, jus admit if you did ? If nvr, then fine !
Nth much, jus discovered something, lols ! Im kinda dissapointed uhs ?
Went to 201, together with Long & Co. ! Bank, then coffee shop ~
Seperate thr, went to Sushi shop with Mad, Airen & Aiai ! I no $$ :(

So find some void-deck & wait for them to eat. Was chatting away ~
& I swear, ii super hot de la ! Ohhmyy ~ Bus home, if nt im burned !
Super hot weather, super big sun ! Reached home, nobody, Great ;DD

Chatted with Hubert @ Mac outside, then saw DY.daddy ~ Samesamesame -.-
Slacking their Days away ! Saw YuChun too, sitting at Mac with Daddy ~

Home is th best, nth to face ! I love going home now, ii swear ~~


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