Sunday, June 08, 2008

Cousiin outiing today ! Laughhs* Super excitiing ~
Meet 3pm && ii wake up at 2pm, Opps !

Msged SF, meet her @ iinter, Laughhs**
Im late, Sorry ! then waiit for HS end work ~
Bought some food, meet Berliin @ CS nearby !
&& Off we go ! Fetch HT, bought Subway o.O ~

then went to Telok Blangah, super hiighh ii guess !
Climb to th Peak, and was eatiing Sushii on th way :x
So many ppl lookiing at me, Paiisehhs DDD:
Suppose to be trekking, iin th end Picniic, Laughhs**
Photo-takiing, chiit chats ! end aroundd 6pm ii think ?

Suggestiion from Berlin : Botanic Garden !
No objectiion, so we went to Botanic Garden ~~

Walking lik idiiots pls ! && ZG was super funny mans ~~
He was feeding those fiish iin th pond, bread !
then a tortiise came near hiim, guess wat he say ?
"You wan eat ah? Dont wan giif you leii, BYEBYE !"
LaughhOutLoudLoudLoud pls ! ohhmyyys ~~~

Diinner tiime, HT suggest to go Bedok 85, Laughhs**
Order many things ! Satay, Noodles, ChickenWing, Laughhs*
then takeaway food for Zhong, mafan !

&& Baby stayed iin my house for 5days le !
Ohhmyys, Baby iis super cute cans !?
Alriight, gotta go off yea, byeee !

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