Sunday, June 01, 2008


Boooo-hooooossss ! iim back postiing agaiins ~~ haaas .
abiit late ahhs :x sorry nahhs ! cos went out ~ luffs*
ytd niite Baby came, ohhmyyys ! miiss Baby soso much ;DD
Baby stayed overniight, haaas ~ duper funny de Baby !
scare mamii, so he msg && coll mamii, but she no reply !
haaaas ~~ okok, iin the end Baby still come ;DD luffs*
watchh show till 3am ! ohhmyys ~~ supersuper tiiredd !
but iim hackiing it :x cos wanna peii Baby mahhs ~~ haaaas (:
okok, then Baby peii me slp (: but till 6am then slp ! haaas ~
as usual lahhs ~ cos was chattiing ! andd Baby iis super BAD !
he told me dat hiis feeliing had fade, siighhss* ii really beliief ~
&& iin th end, he told me iis to playplay dehhs ~~ haiiyohhhs !
but strangely, ii diidnt get angry ! haaas, dont noe why ?
somebody tell me how to be angry wiith my Baby cans !?
cos ii dont noe how ~ haaas ! andd he made my cry you noe :x
bad Baby ! but iif he were to say th same thing, ii would still beliief ~
haaaaaaas ~~ very stupiid yea ? nonono, Baby say iis silly ;DD
hmmms, okok ! back to postiing ~~ then Baby went to korkor room.
was afraiid dat mamii see dao we slpiing together agaiins :x haaas !
11pm, waken up by Baby ! haaas ~ actually he diid nth lahhs :x
jus come iin my room, look at me, then go out liiaoos ! haaaaaas ~~
but ii jus wake up lohhs ~ haaaas ! chiitchatchiitchat agaiins ~~
hmmms, we really got alot to say ahhs :x haaaas ! && thks Baby <3
Baby help me buy food && peii me eat ;DD && eat le jiu slp :x
haaaas ! Baby, iif this contiinue for 1 month, both of us gonna be fat !
okok, then went to slp agaiins ! slp till 6pm, gonna wake up liiaoos ~
cos haf to go to SBB house ~ && Baby help me dry my haiir :x
thks Baby ! haaas ~ see, iim addiicted to you liiaos lahhs ! haaaas ;D
okok, then waiit for Baby wash head, my turn ! ii help Baby dry hair :x
haaaas ~ then went to take bus together ;DD ii aliight 1st, haaaas !
whiile Baby went to safra and fiind them ~ luffs* siiiannn nahhs Baby !
ii starts to miiss you liiaoos ~ hurhurs ! hmmms, went to SBB house ~
kiinda siianns ! cos LH haven come, mamii haven come, dajie haven come !
then th rest were playiing maple -.- haiiyohhhs ~~ then super jiieet !
aroundd 8 plus, cousiins come andd startedd to chiitchat rubbiishh ~~~
10 plus went to ahmah house andd take present ! hohohos :x
cousiin bought me a coach bag ! wooo-hooos ~~ ii rarely use lahhs !
but anyway, thks lahhhs ~~ haaas ! went to takeaway food for zhong,
then went home liiaoos ! hmmms, tmrr schh agaiins ~ jiieet lahhs !
maybe no goiing for lesson, but gonna slack bahhs ? guess wat,
tmrr iis geo && ss leiis ! ohhmyys ~~ less then 10 ppl will go de lohhs :x
haaaas ! okok, iim goiing off liiaoos ~ btw, ii wanna buy camera pls !
now lookiing for th model ! but most likely iis fiinepix de Z seriies ;DD
&& Baby gonna help me ! haaaas ~ Baby, woainiwoaini <33 niights !

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