Sunday, May 11, 2008


okok, iim back ;DDDD ! luffs* today was great ~~

woke up aroundd 10am, yawns* still tiired,

but nvm nahhs. luffs* help daddy wiith th DVD player.

lols ! then use computer, changedd skiins agaiins :x

okok, went to prepare andd was ready by 12pm ;D

meet Aiai at JC bus-stop, Boy on Bus ~ luffs pls !

ppl iin bus iis weiird :x okok, nvm ! busedd to dwntown ~

downtown iis loadedd withh people, many ppl lahhs !

cos today mother's day&family carnival going on ~~

okok, so many ppl lohs. & not much food for us,

cos all th foodcourt, KFC, Mac are packedd ! so too bad :x

even BK, iis crowdedd && queue somemore, luffs*

so iin th end, eat pastamaniia, ohhmyys ~ Boy say v. ex :x

nvm lahhs ! nt everyday eat mahhs, longlong once (:

then went to arcade, fun pls ! basketball agaiins, haaas ~

really fun ! andd we hadd tikcets to exchanges for sweets !

okok, then went to pasiir riis park, no whr to go lahhs ~

so deciidedd to rent biike, luffs pls ! Aiai rent th ladybike,

actually ii want iit too, but left one ! hurhur, nvm lahhs ~

let her, cos ii had iit once ;D so me&boy rent th same bike,

was riding around andd sweating lik dumb :x luffs pls !

3 smelly people, riding around pasir ris park, haaaas ~~

hmms, aroundd 6pm, return th bike and went to whitesand ~

hohohos ! damn shiiok, cos got aiir con :x haaaas ! then,

went to arcade agaiins, guess wat. basketball agaiins, haaas !

andd 3 of us, hand went numb ! luffs ok ~ damndamn funny .

then took 21 home, jiieeet ! actually Aiai coming my hse,

iin th end she nt feeling well, so she went home, tkcare :D

andd Boy went home too, luffs* went to bath andd then,

meet 8th uncle dwnstaiir, hohohos ! he passedd mii $$,

then ii got money diinneeer ! haaaas ~ bought horfan,

siighs man ! super-uber long cans !? hurhur ~~ btw,

saw mr.FOO ;DD he keep smiling at mi :x luffs* so weiird !

okok, andd back home, watchiing youtube, luffs pls ! haaas .

hmmms, iim lik a mad girl, watching alone andd luffing lik mad,

alone too ! haaas ~ hao lahh, off to slp liiaoos, tmrr no sch ;D

but korkor gotta work, yahhs ~ so iim goiing offliine ! byeeee !

btw, ii enjoyedd today ! hor Boy ? he today verii guaii :x

cos he took alot of photo wiith meeee ! haaaaas ~ lovelove ~

Tags replied

Elano : luffs* relax nahhs ! so will forgiive you one day (: cheeer up !

Boyfriend : Of cos lahhs ~ you willing to take photo leiis :x woainis <3

Airen : haaaas ! paiisehhs lahhs :x yeayea, ii miisss you too !

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