Thursday, May 01, 2008

boo-hoos ! back postiing liiaoos (: hohohos ~
today, went to Jackplace for lunchh ;DD
wiith Family , Xiaogu & Boyboy ~~ ohhmyys !
mamii say daddy mood good -.- luffs* lols .
ate Crayfish && was duperduper niice (: hohos :x
after dat went to popular "shoppiing" ! luffs*
bought my stationary && story book ~ lols !
mamii bought th lamination machiine, but iis small de .
ohhmyys ~ quiite cute siiohhs ! hohohos :x
then went walkiing aroundd eastpoiint, luffs pls !
mii, mamii & xiiaogu was lik aunty siiohhs :x
walkiing then seesee, touch touch :x luffs man !
papa, boyboy, kor & di was lik so keliian siiohhs , lols ~
sitting thr doiing nth, wait for us -.- luffs*
bought one long sleeve shirt, lols ! nicieniice*
after that cab back to tmart liiaos, luffs.
meet Xingan, Junkiat & Huanchoon ;D start liao,
start to become mad liiaos :x talking craps again.
then aroundd 3 plus, Boy come. lols, ate ice-cream :x
niiceniice ! && MrTAYHUANCHOON ate two McFlurry :x
haaaas ~ guess wat, he did nth agaiins :x lols !
aroundd 4 plus, Josias chase us out ! hurhur ~~
cos alot ppl keep studying, then no place eat liiaos :x
so we left Mac ! && went to Foodcourt to study -.-
ohhmyys ~~ lik so funny :x hmmms, did maths qns !
wiith Boy help, thks dear ;DD lols ! then 6 plus,
went home. help korkor buy food, agains -.- haiiyohhs !
then continue doiing maths till end of topic 4. lols ~
actually wanted to slp for awhile de, but ii cnt get to slp !
hurhur ~~ so waiit for didi to come back, with my dinner .
sharedd with Boy ;D lols ! so now iim postiin ~~ hurhur !
tmrr SS paper, haiiyohhs ! nvr study dao siiohhs :x
confirm, confirm fail :x luffs* && MT paper 1 too ~
thenthenthen, enjoy first :x hohohohos ! no lahhs :x
cnntinue doiing maths TYS :) cos my maths, sucks !
ok, iim off to watch tv liiaoos ! byeeeeeeeeee (:


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